THANK YOU. Jack, i have a new respect for you. I dont care if you, or newman, or ANYONE dosent like it. its my body, I like it, and thats what matters. I thought id share it, and this thread was nothing but people jumping on the hater band wagon. :tup: to all of you who live their lives conforming to what society thinks is acceptable.
You’re saying this after making fun of someone that dresses outside the norm.
wagon driver chiming in here … there’s a reason the majority is the way it is …
Is it really outside the norm? Come on, really though… look around. Trying to look different is the norm… its always been that way.
Either way the point was he advocates being different and makes fun of newman for being something other then what he personally approves of (ie, different).
you’re not slow Jack, you get the point.
This thread is amazing. This was worth 5 minutes. The intranet has done some nutty things to people…
DSM’s ain’t shit. But if the boat floats do it. :tup:
:tup: I kinda like it. may not be my choice tattoo or location, but having owned a few DSM’s myself, I can definatly appreciate your love and dedication for them. It really takes a certain type of person to own, let alone appreciate a DSM. Working on them and fixing them teaches us alot and becomes part of the fun of owning a DSM.
Its your body, do what you want. Why should anyone else care? Its not like it effects anyone else.
:gotme: I really dont see what the big deal is anyways, its not like its something that sticks out like a sore thumb and is a pointless stupid tat that he will regret forever, and he wont have to exlpain it to is kids 20 times a day till their 15. I has meaning. The tat i want to get is of the firefighter maltese cross with my # written in flames in the center, because the fire co has had a major influance on my life for the past 5 years.
hey… atleast there’s no AC and DC adapters…
oh man i completely overlooked this. who has that pic of you and mario next to the camaro ss
and looking really questionable
i havent blown up sherm… and dont plan on it
by means of stock… not even close
and the white juan the beat joo
This thread is Gay.
is it in the center of your arm?
if not, is it supposed to be?
i have a triangle circle square ex on my arm…playstation buttons…people can flame on that and so tnick doesnt feel so retarded for this decision he irrationallyand drunkenly made
JoesTypeS has a funny tatoo on his chest…ask to see next time u see him
hahah. im surprised thats the most incriminating picture you found. I thought the one in my boxers was way worse.
Just because you have a crappy tattoo, with lines of varying thickness and general suckiness doesnt mean that you have to make fun of me. But you can, i am pretty comfortable with myself, heh.
Chances are you are probably pretty ugly, so the tattoo can’t hurt you too much. :tup: Ugly people usually get bad tats. I can probably find a statistic on it somewhere…
EDIT: and i was OBVIOUSLY so super serious, wearing my girlfriends sweater and caught TOTALLY at random in that picture… ahhhbvvv
:tup: Glad you like it. I still think you’ll regret it someday because of all that stuff you’re saying about having DSM’s forever and all that, but as long as you like it rock on. I hope you never regret it. I just asked what your profession is because I’ve heard horror stories about education majors wanting daggers in the same spot you got yours and really retarded shit like that, but it doesn’t seem like it will be a problem in your life. Haha look at it this way, at least your reaction is mixed. That means something that could be that controversial must be decent. Imagine the reaction if I posted that I got a VW tat? I don’t think it would be too mixed…
EDIT: Just to be totally clear, I do NOT have a VW tat.
i drama on a sunday night