i got alerted.....

at 1030am east coast time, I was alerted to help out the victims of the hurricane, so now i am down in Fort Hood, TX. waiting to know what all am i suppose to do. They either said airlifting in military personnel, food and supplies and/or airlifting out victims to other bases and cities. I brought my camera, and gun and will be posting pictures up when i can…not sure how long i will be here but i know other crews at my base are waiting to come down and help…

So… TO EVERYONE… there are people helping, civilians and military…that is all…thanx

SSgt- USAF-Reserves, Pittsburgh, 758th AS
Loadmaster, C130

gotta let us know how its going

good luck down there and take care

good luck

good luck

have fun!

Bring me home a TV

nice to see yuo got a little break

got to love the reserves

your gone more than your home

Loadmasterrrrrr… how did you score a gun??? lol

cuz we get to carry the m9, im not a load im a kc-10 boomer

yeah with all these people shooting at the planes and i have to land and pick them up…im going to carry my m9…

well its been three days and they finally decided to use us…we are doing mostly Air Evac missions, pulling out people on litters and that are badly hurt… so its not fun what im doin here… ill try to get pics and update but i didnt bring my usb cord for my camera, so pics will have to wait till i get home…when ever that is…

so much for rmu…

Thank you for your actions.

good luck down there.

good job down there man.

can u say fucked up situation…i have been here since sat and i have been on alert…i might fly today but thats looking shakey… i dont think they know what to do with everyone…

Good luck guys, one of my buddies who is a customs officer in MN got called to go down too. I really think it’s honorable those of you who are going down. Stay safe, and stay healthy, it’s ugly down there.

keep safe buddy,

Shoot a loot!