i hate buffalo....

wny 4L

i love it here


I hate it here. The city COULD be something, but the third grade politics that are rampant throughout the state and city prevent Buffalo from growing and developing. Personally I will be relocating to Pittsburgh, PA once I graduate. It is a Buffalo style city, blue collar and also a steel town. The difference is Pittsburgh is booming with plenty to do and a rapidly expanding waterfront and attractions. Was just there this past weekend and will also be back a few more times this summer.


oh here we go, another rant about how bad politics in our state/country is…:bloated:


No car saves you money. Some just use up less, and if a financial bind is keeping you in a city you hate, then maybe you should think about getting an older/cheaper car and getting rid of a payment all together.

I just noticed your location (Tonawanda). No wonder you hate ‘Buffalo’. Tonawanda is one giant Walmart and instant lotto ticket line.

Personally I love it here, but I live downtown.


I agree…gotta find somewhere where rent is cheap. Cheektowaga is a nice area for the most part I think. I lived there for like 7 years…I plan on moving back there.


wait, your kidding, right??

NYS has some of the worse public schools in this country, minus the magnet schools. Regents are a joke, and if you look at the test they have been made easier do more people receive “Passing” grades. Most standardized testing results are artificially inflated. You want to raise intelligent kids move to MA, CA, IL or specifically NYC.

Upstates is not the ideal place to raise a family, it might be fine/decent enough for the 18-28 crowd, but there would be know way I would let my children step foot in a public school in upstate/WNY


The universities are the reason why NY is seen as such an intelligent state. We are the only state to have 2 Ivy League schools in it.

i grew up in buffalo and left when i was 20. been all over the world, lived in seatle wa. and for fifteen years in savannah ga. moved back a few years ago and couldn’t be happier. down south you can’t find a single person walking outside during the summer and leave the a/c. i hear alot of bitching about the taxes but in my case it’s not that much differance. the school taxes here are more but if you sent your kid to public school in ga. you will happily pay the taxes. i also paid over 500.00 dollors a year to register my cars in ga. ya thats right a year!


The universities are the reason why NY is seen as such an intelligent state. We are the only state to have 2 Ivy League schools in it.


and neither of them cost you any less if you are an out of state student, but congrats you have 2 ivy leagues, yet it doesn’t matter where you live you can go to any college you want. Unlike having to live in your school districts. And ironically two compared to the how many SUNY school(None of which are contained in the Public Ivy).

wait where the fuck did i mention any universities, PUBLIC SCHOOLS

I grew up in Rochester, lived in Chicago for 2 years, Florida for 1.5 years, and now moving to Vegas. The place you live in is all about what you make of it. I miss the people and the food from Rochester/Buffalo but I wouldn’t want to live there again because I didn’t find many good job opportunities, state income tax is weak, property taxes are high. But on the positive side Western NY does have great school districts and VERY affordable houses with yards might I add. If you don’t like Buffalo search for jobs, most good companies will give you $ towards your move and all the places I’ve gone to have paid my 1st months rent too until I had my first few paychecks. Like a lot of people have said though you think you hate it but 90% of the people I know that moved out went right back. You don’t realize how comfortable you are in an area til you leave. For me I like the change it’ll be weird for me to own a home and not uproot again in 1.5-2 years but i’m looking forward to settling down.

I was just using that as an example!