i hate buffalo....

Its not a bad place to live…BUT some days I like it other days I dont


also, i just came back to buffalo to visit friends and family. while i was there, besides seeing people and spending time with them i was bored cause there’s not much to do there. i think my 3rd day visiting i missed cali, and i’ve only been here for 8 months. if you want something enough, you’ll move. believe me.


i love coming back to visit but if i’m there more than 5 days i start tearing my hair out from boredom.

It cost around $400 to move from buffalo to philly, its not lack of money stopping you from moving again.

People who never lived anywhere else for more than 2 years have no say on how much a city sucks.


People who never lived anywhere else for more than 2 years have no say on how much a city sucks.




The problem is that instead of fixing what you don’t like about Buffalo, people bitch, complain, and talk about how they would like to go somewhere else.

I’ve been somewhere else.
It sucked worse.
Here I am.


Fucking DING!, we have a winner


i guess i am a winner too…
my story…
right out of college i found a great paying job.65k+ins+car+rent+gas here in buffalo. i got married here, i had my first one here, until now.
after school i found THE job so i was fine.after that i got married looked for housing(purchase) and that was fine affordable. when i first got the baby i started thinking about school…well yes there are great schools like in clarence and amherst but compared to other cities is not good. my parents live in cali so i go there 2 times a year. yes the housing is expensive, but the life style is much higher, they pay you more anyway, and the cost of living(excluding housing)is cheaper.
plus there are more oportunities becuase of being a bigger city…yes,you can look and network,but usually you can get more if they are looking for you…
that’s why i am moving to chicago…

i used to complain about bflo… until I moved out to the west coast for a short period of time. bflo has a lot of great qualities here that i really missed, and completely took for granted. little things add up to a lot more than you’d think when they’re gone… an impt thing to look at in a move isn’t so much what you’re gaining, but what you’re willing to sacrifice.




The problem is that instead of fixing what you don’t like about Buffalo, people bitch, complain, and talk about how they would like to go somewhere else.

I’ve been somewhere else.
It sucked worse.
Here I am.


You just need to goto good networking events :headbang:


hell yeah

best thing i ever did, it was a year last week :tup:

i keep running into shit with my boner :tdown:


hows gumby?


the people here are the main problem.

and i’ll be joining the moved-away crew shortly.

fuck this city.


People? Funny thats one the many things keeping me here. Go to pittsburgh, you’ll see a beautiful city full of redneck shitheads.




The problem is that instead of fixing what you don’t like about Buffalo, people bitch, complain, and talk about how they would like to go somewhere else.

I’ve been somewhere else.
It sucked worse.
Here I am.


exactly i lived in pittsburgh not that great of a place in comparision to Buffalo not to mention raising a family being able to put your child through the SUNY school system and not being in debt for the rest of your lives.

Buffalo may not be great but it isnt the shithole that it is being made out to be in this thread


People? Funny thats one the many things keeping me here. Go to pittsburgh, you’ll see a beautiful city full of redneck shitheads.


Or south Florida when it’s very common to not even know your neighbor’s name.


exactly i lived in pittsburgh not that great of a place in comparision to Buffalo not to mention raising a family being able to put your child through the SUNY school system and not being in debt for the rest of your lives.

Buffalo may not be great but it isnt the shithole that it is being made out to be in this thread


My brother has been there for years, it has no class. The city itself is amazing, alot of nice buildings, bars, parks and lots to do but why bother when you are surrounded by an aboundance of assholes. Buffalo has its fair share of toolbags but it truely is the city of good neighbors.


Or south Florida when it’s very common to not even know your neighbor’s name.


im sure the last name is either esteves or gonzalez.

I love how many people bitch about this city, yet they continue to sit on their ass (or internet) and do nothing about it. If it’s so bad and other cities are so great just pack up and move there.

thats shitty mang :tdown: come down to party in the plaza with us tomorrow and drink away your sorrows :smiley: :beer:

Meh, pick the lesser of two evils. You are probably going to find a lot more white collar folks in San Diego, Seattle, San Francisco, etc than here but you have to pay to play. I like it here for the most part. Most of my family is here, most of my friends are here, I have a great job so I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. If my job situation changed, I would consider leaving to the NJ area. Other than that, Buffalo is not a bad place to live. It’s hella-cheap here compared to almost anywhere else.


I love how many people bitch about this city, yet they continue to sit on their ass (or internet) and do nothing about it. If it’s so bad and other cities are so great just pack up and move there.



i’ve always wanted to move away, but now i dont really want to… main reason because of the awesome friends ive made over the last year are enough for me to stay. finacially i already have an amazing job

Buffalo is like the USA LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!


the rest of the USA is significantly better


I’ve been somewhere else.

It sucked worse.

Here I am.


you moved to the wrong part of NC dude, there’s cooler parts that aren’t all the sticks :slight_smile: wilmington’s awesome, it’s phat here :tup: can’t wait to check out raleigh in a couple years :tup:

im with ya homie…i leave buffalo for ever in 2 1/2 weeks for phoenix for good!!! :suckoff: BUFFALO SUCKS BALLZ:suckoff: