More news/proof that people are leaving NY

i’ll be outta here in a few months… so it’s true :slight_smile:

I am gone

I’m still here…probably will be for a long time.

My consulting business (something I do on top of my regular 40 hours a week) is being taxes at between 40 to 45% on profit.

I’ve started looking for jobs in more tax friendly states.

i can’t wait to get the fuck out of here.

But there will be a few things i miss about buffalo…

Nice sig Jay.:slight_smile:

If you guys leave we will just pick up the slack and pay higher taxes.
That is what NY has always done, right?:gotme:
We wouldn’t want to cut costs or anything silly like that.

Those few things are the only thing keeping people here.
Buffalo is like a small town compared to other cities and people like that.
It will be like a REALLY small town if people keep leaving.:lol:

the only things that would make me stay are friends and family…

most of my friends are going back to school for their masters…so they won’t be around. My parents are moving out of buffalo so that’s another reason i don’t wanna stay.

i really have no reason to stay here. I mean sure… there are some friends that are still here that i hate to leave, but getting out of buffalo is probably the best thing to do right now

WNY is like basic training for civilians. Everyone gets stuck here for a bit, the cost of living is really cheap, you get educated, learn how things go, then you graduate, and everyone heads off to their own specific areas to actually accomplish something.

Speaking of having cheap costing of living, there has got to be a tipping point where people start to move back because the town is pretty much deserted and housing, etc is uber cheap.
If it gets to that point though, that may be really bad.

Edit: But the key is to gets jobs here to attract people.
It always comes back to jobs.

Once I sell my car Im gone. There are no jobs around here at all

You have to have the jobs to get people off social services and paying taxes.
You have to have less spending on social services and lower taxes to get the jobs.

It’s a vicious cycle.
Jobs get cut
More people go on welfare, less people pay taxes
Taxes go up
Jobs get cut
Rinse and Repeat.

i am very on the fence right now about this. with my degree i just recieved, i can go elsewhere and get hired over the phone. here i can get a job, but it is a little bit more of a fight. i love my friends and family, but it might be fun to go elsewhere.

the cost of living is another big plus of WNY. i can build a house that is geothermally heated and has solar power for way less here than a house without those features in one of the booming areas such as MD or NJ.

im out in the begining of october. CANADA!!!

step 1 - leave buffalo
step 2 - enjoy life

, visit

am I the only one who read that as www. New York F’ed .com?

Nope, i did too

Canada? I think thats worse.

True, but usually people don’t go back to basic training. I know so many people from here who left and somehow have ended up back here.