Leaving NY?

Ron Dobson brought this up on am 930 the other day.

%10 or New Yorkers say they are leaving NY immediatly.

%11 say they will leave but are waiting for one thing or another.

Those of you who are/want to leave. Tell me why. And what are you waiting for before you go? What is holding you back?

I’ll share first:

I recieved my first of three buyout checks last week.

Gross: 15k

Taxes: 6k

State tax was over 1k.

My mother pays 3k in property taxes for her small ranch house over estimated at 100k. Why would I choose to buy a house in NY?

I’d rather buy a house that is the same square footage for double the cost than throw money away in ridiculous taxes.

Sorry, I had to rant.

Why: I hate winter. There’s nothing to do here other than drink. There’s no big-money jobs in buffalo.

What’s holding me back: Family. My dad just got diagnosed with something pretty serious and I’m close with them. If I could get them to move to San Diego i’d already be gone.
Also, the economy. You’re lucky if you can hold a decent paying job in banking right now, let alone get a new one.

:lol: @ Joe leaving one tax fucked state for another.

The only thing keeping me here is family.

By the time the latest round of “rich” taxes gets done I doubt there will be enough jobs left in NY to stay though.

Great example:


Only thing holding me here is the job. I’m an expert in a niche market with no degree - not as easy for me to just up and leave, unless I want to get back into sales (which I dont).

I also should have added. A lot of people called in saying the number 1 reason not to leave is for the food lol.

Taxes really don’t bother me that much. I mean, I get raped by them (~35% of my gross) and I still don’t lose any sleep over it. To me, it’s all a quality of life issue.

And the variation between state tax rates is going to even out in a couple decades once the poor become more dispersed throughout the country anyway. All of the boom cities of the previous generation are the ones that are now net liabilities. (NYC, boston, buffalo, pittsburgh, cleveland, detroit, etc.) The next round of that is going to be Charlotte, Vegas, Atlanta, etc.

Reason why I’m leaving:

-Winter and everything to do with it
-Lack of opportunities for jobs
-I don’t want to teach in a school district that is underfunded and underpaid
-Nothing to do but go out to eat and go to bars
-Road conditions
-The fact that you can drive 5 mins up a nice street to see that it has turned into a shit-hole ghetto due to people that don’t care about a thing.
-The NYS government in general is so fucked up that at this point it’s hilarious

What is holding me back:

-Schooling is relatively inexpensive
-NYS teaching certification is bar none

Basically, I will use NYS for 2 more years, get my teaching certification, get my degree and get the hell out of this state.

I have been all over this country, I’ve seen the opportunities out there for me, and I do not believe that NY can offer any of them. Call me a pessimist but NY is and will be on a downword spiral, and I want nothing to do with it.


Wow. Eye opener!

I hate how brutal the winters are here, we only have about 2-3 solid months of good weather.The taxes and laws in this state are just completely fucking insane and the city thinks by raising taxes and prices on things will bring this city back to a healthy state. Our politics are ruling of the city is terrible. Car insurance is 1000 times higher than most states, taxes are higher than most states. There are just some completely fuckin stupid laws in action in this state.There are no jobs left here what so ever. 75% of the buffalo area has turned into a scummy ghetto. YOu cant even walk down elmwood anymore with out being hassled by crackheads.

The only reason im still here is because of my family and friends and the sabres.Eventually Id like to end up in cali or southern florida.

Where are you going to go that pays teachers more than NY, other than cali?

People can bitch and moan about the snow all they want. Im not sticking up for WNY, but when was the last time we had a flood, hurricane, earthquake etc?

Also, we are pros at dealing with the snow and we have winter sports.

I really fuckin hate the fact that my 06 truck is already starting to rust from the salt.

Why: I hate winter, Buffalo sucks hard, NYS sucks hard

What’s holding me back: job, family

Heading to TX as soon as possible. Scheduling a trip down for later this summer

Same here. Just waiting to finish school.

San Antonio FTW! So clean down there. Everything looks new. The food is delicious. So many high paying jobs. Plenty of activities.

Oh no I totally agree id prob take snow over natural disasters any day, but there’s places that have neither really. The salt just kills cars ive seen some 07’s rusting already its crazy

Where? I’m in

I’m not going for a standard teaching position, Technology Education positions in NY are below the average pay rate in the country. Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia have the highest average salary for Tech Ed in the country.

Not saying that money is everything, because in all honestly if I wanted money I wouldn’t have gone into teaching, but it does make a difference as to where I would like to teach and also the materials, lab facilities and other variables that would effect my ability to teach my students.

ahh, I see.

Just make sure you find a nice suburban district. Those aren’t quite the south yet but go a few states more down and the lack of commitment to education is appalling.

I believe it, I know many graduates from NY go down “south” only to find out that the jobs they were promised are completely and utterly underfunded and the districts don’t want to do a thing about it.

I blame them for not actually traveling to check out the schools, I don’t see how moving to an area blindly can be a good decision in any case

I heard Dobson asking what the biggest reason for leaving is. The thing is that there are 10000 reasons to leave not just one big one. I guess I could say “financial” and that would cover just about all of my reasons to leave. After all, the reason for anything is money right? I could say I want to live in the mountains but if I made more money I could just fly to the mountains every week/month. lol.

Edit: I mean real mountains not eastern mountains.

I left NY for the lifestyle

seriously, the NYC area would have drove me nuts. After seeing how laid-back people are here and how they just generally enjoy the little things so much more than New Yorkers, I was sold.

Money aint shit. I could be rolling in at least $20k/year more in NYC. Fuck that though, not worth it.