More news/proof that people are leaving NY

That is like going from the frying pan into the fire, isn’t it?

If you go somewhere like toronto, the taxes are higher, but you get so much more in terms of services, and they actually, like, have jobs.

What services? Do you mean health care? Yeah they do have jobs. I used to work with some guys from Toronto, Montreal and Quebec and they told me they would rather have the tax rates we have here and make less money. If I remember correctly, they were saying that their taxes are almost 40% regardless of how it was earned (salary vs. commission) and then you add PST and GST to their purchases. Basically they said you have to make what woudld be considered a lot of money here just to have a modest living there.

Their highways are all nicely fixed and maintained, and toll-free except for the 407.
When it snows, they have like instant response with plows clearing everything.
Their cities are cleaner and better maintained.
All of that stuff that the government does.
Oh yeah, and health care. For the amount you/your employer pay for your health care, the tax rates are most likely offset.

As long as you don’t mind waiting for healthcare services.
Hopefully your condition won’t worsen in the meantime.:biglaugh:

The only reason you wait for healthcare services there because a lot of their medical people sell out and come here to make the money. We’re the only industrialized country IN THE WORLD left without some form of universal health care. If we put it in, they’d have nowhere else to sell out to.

Toronto it is, im going to school there.

That is why we have the best system.
It is absolutley mind boggling how you can think so backwards.
Since Canada sucks lets blame the US instead of celebrating the fact the the US is the best and admitting why.:roll2:

don’t be an asshole, seriously. it pisses me off when ppl talk shit about canada and not just because i’m canadian, but because 9.9/10 times americans have no fuckin clue what they are talking about when it comes to Canada. so cut the insults.

but on the health care and taxes topic, Take it from someone that has lived in both places, the system implemented in the states is a good one for great care BUT if you aren’t fortunate enough to have the money to pay for it or an employer that can cover you, your screwed. Canada takes care of anyone and everyone which truly is an amazing thing, but think about how many ppl just go to the doctor for almost nothing because they have to worry about copays or hospital bills. Thats a main reason for shit getting slowed down.

personally, i know i won’t be in such a financial position later in life so i’ll gladly take US care.

are you comparing this to buffalo??? and what canadian city?

snow removal is actually pretty damn good in western NY if you ask me. well at least in the southtowns. and the roads are pretty much the same.

as for cities being clean, toronto def holds something up there. i’m always impressed at the cleanliness in toronto. makes buffalo look like a pit.

EDIT - almost forgot taxes in the states > taxes in canada x 1000 it’s really bad here. plus just about everything else is more expensive too. i.e. gas, goods, bank fees, cell phones, hookers. it’s crazy.

The US is the best because we just make people die if they cant afford treatment :tup:


God, I would love to know your life story.
What makes you tick?

<<—see location

I’m pretty much gone, lol…didnt think it was gonna happen so soon…but things changed for the better…

I’ll be back in buffalo for 2 weeks early Sept…then bye-bye for real.

Buffalo’s population is definitely declining…i remember seeing it on the news before i left for the summer… the city could have potential but nothing is really happening to improve the economy it seems.

End of month I will be out of here, and I am not lookin back.

Upper-middle class upbringing, Amherst native, graduated 3rd in my class from Sweet Home HS, finishing my senior year/graduate study at Canisius on full ride at the moment, I enjoy long walks on the beach and driving rear wheel drive sports cars through snow.

Wow, I must be the only person that has actually come to Buffalo…granted it was my job that brought me here but I did leave the greatest city on Earth to be here (Minneapolis). In the 2 years I’ve been here it’s been pretty good and easy to survive. I’ve lived in a couple of other cities (Cleveland, Detroit) and honestly have enjoyed Buffalo more than both those places. There’s so much more here than what most realize…I have never really understood the negative attitude here. Low cost of living, beaches, warm water, Alleghany/Letchworth close by, pro sports, not overpopluted, low amounts of traffic, 4 seasons, snowmobile trails, active downtown nightlife, etc…

haha maybe im a hater but 4 seasons does no good when 3 of them suck.

Yeah…I’ll give ya that. What’s the deal with the winters the past few season??? Horseshit…

It is nice to hear someone not from here say good things about the area.

About low cost of living…
It is a double edged sword.
My parents bought their house here in WNY at about the same time my aunts and uncles bought their homes in other states.
They have paid not even half the real estate taxes over the years that my parents have paid.
They have recently sold their homes and made a small fortune because of the huge increase in value.
I am talking about numbers near or over $1,000,000.
My dad won’t get $350,000 for his.

I have paid over $20000 in real estate taxes in the last nine years so when I sell my home I will be lucky to break even.
If I bought a house in a better area(not WNY) it would surely have a much bigger return.

Ofcorse it has nothing to do with the fact that the llberals have run this state the same way since forever. No change with the times = disaster. but it keeps them wealthy and in power, so why should they care who it hurts. NY is so beyand fucked up its not funny. Dont even get me started on Hillary :bloated:.