I hate idiots v. Price is right...

Item is up for bidding…first girl bids 700…next guy in line bids 699.

stop…think about that.

the objective is to guess the price of the item up for bids, without going over…

this guy bid $1 below the previous person, willingly.

meaning he had to be RIGHT ON to win…

How appropriate it was that he had a southern accent, and a cowboy hat/boots on…

fuckin tard…

its ok … its ok …but yes they are dumb

The stupidity is part of what makes that show awesome.


People need to get jobs and be at work during the price is right, unless you are over the age of 65…


Item is up for bidding…first girl bids 700…next guy in line bids 699.

stop…think about that.

the objective is to guess the price of the item up for bids, without going over…

this guy bid $1 below the previous person, willingly.

meaning he had to be RIGHT ON to win…

How appropriate it was that he had a southern accent, and a cowboy hat/boots on…

fuckin tard…


Soooo uhhhhhh…you like uh da price is right?

So he should have bid $701 :gotme:

What was the actual retail price?


Item is up for bidding…first girl bids 700…next guy in line bids 699.

stop…think about that.

the objective is to guess the price of the item up for bids, without going over…

this guy bid $1 below the previous person, willingly.

meaning he had to be RIGHT ON to win…

How appropriate it was that he had a southern accent, and a cowboy hat/boots on…

fuckin tard…


Who are you george carlin. Shut the fuck up already.


Who are you george carlin. Shut the fuck up already.


Hahahahahaha, I think that was your funniest post, Don.

Either that, or I’m way too hung over.

No, I have just removed the political correctness filter on my posts. Hate away.

i LOVE the price is right.

how is the new host anyways? i have to convience the boyfriend to record it daily

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:10,topic:37248"”]

i LOVE the price is right.

how is the new host anyways? i have to convience the boyfriend to record it daily


i have an hour lunch break at school MWF and it happens to be right when the show is on…

i was sad to hear about Bob’s retirement…and for the longest time could not think of a single person i would like to take his place, and i must say…i’m very happy with Drew as the new host…he’s still getting comfortable you can tell, but he’s warming up nicely to the position :tup:

if he would only wear a bob face mask. i’d love him more.


So he should have bid $701 :gotme:

What was the actual retail price?


ironically enough, the actual price was 699.99 and he won!


Thus making who the idiot?

The bidder or the poster?


well def not the editor! lol oops



ironically enough, the actual price was 699.99 and he won!


nice edit…saved yourself from being the idiot :lol: