Price is Right

Who do you think would be the funniest person from NYSpeed on the Price is Right??

I say beck or jesse(although i wouldn’t wanna be bob if jesse lost lolol)

but bob trained under chuck norris :stuck_out_tongue:

Xander would be pretty funny on TV as well

and Bob trained Chuck

I think newman.

i <3 the price is right…

yea… i’m going with newman… or jesse… just for the fact that i can see jesse going nuts on the show@

he will go into a rage “GOD DAMN YOU P.I.R.!” /dane cook quote

jesse is gonna be that guy… ya know… the guy that spins the wheel way too hard…

"you get very protective of the wheel. If that person doesn’t spin the wheel the way you think he should have spun the wheel… your the first person to immediately chime in with… “TOO HARD FUCK FACE” /another dane cook quote

i gotta go with either Jesse, Beck, Newman, or mayb Willybeen?

i can just see newman winning a v6 mustang though, he’d prob get pissed and walk out lol.

lol even worse

yea… i also vote myself… hotTt damn i would go nuts on P.I.R.

i wanna be that guy that wears the “i love bob” t-shirt

haha we should have a poll on here and raise money to actually send the winner out there and try and get them one :lol:

Yup I’m the guy that guesses One dollar more than the old whore next to me just to piss her off, and gives death glares to the bastard who does it to me.

HAHAHAHAH death glares… and the deep voice “keep it up fuck face”

you’ll be that guy with that shirt that replaces the “B’s” with “C’s” and then adds a “K”

But my vote goes to howie. i’ve never seen a Hawaiian on that show.

oh aren’t we just sooooooooo clever… hmmmmm… ur just so funny. did you think of that all by yourself?? :lolsign:

I cant believe the retarded people on there. I remember watching once, the price of the item was 500. There was a “1” a “350” and a “400” and the last person said “550” why the hell didnt they say “401”!!! WTF is wrong with these idiots! Even I could win on the PIR! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

I think I’d be pretty funny there, as I’d be making fun of the people next to me when they do something stupid.

xander would be pretty funny on the price is right

akaferrari would somehow work the hammer dance into it

however i want to see beck spin the wheel … i think he would jump, grab on and just hang there considering he weighs like 9 pounds

the real question is:

who would have the balls to shit on stage?

i agree. I don’t know if it’s because i work at a grocery store… but who doesnt know that hot pockets don’t cost $7.50? i mean come on. I’d win every time.

Edit: i want to play plinko.

THEY DON’T?!?!?!

^ well, the family pack just might you special child.

I think all three of them should play against each other…that would be hilarious :lol: