I hate living in the US



I’m not gonna lie. That thing is ass ugly.

THough I like the sedans a TON!

THEN GO BACK TO HAWAII!!! (yeah, i know…it’s still the "U.S.)


His description is the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever seen…


Neat car though. I wish I had twin turbos…


Holy hott wagon. :O!


im with fuzzy, that fugly-fast…i like it

Dude what’s with you and ugly ass fast cars?

Hey, we can’t all drive sexy and slow jettas that never break :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t hate just because I’m rocking the hat-trick: unattractive, slow, and unreliable. :smiley:

Wagons are for grandmothers, soccer moms and broke ass handy men.

rofl. Mahalo.

and 8 people that wanna get someplace 1/4mi away in like 12sec

I’d say that has seating for 5 max.

Right up untill you blow your twin turbos.

Yes that was a production car. Mitsubishi Legnum VR4…basically a Galant in a Wagon version. I have read an article on some of these wagons running 11’s and 12’s all day. Pretty cool cars…but only marketable everywhere else except the United States when “wagon” car became obsolete during the mid 90’s when SUV’s came along.

Here are some “modified” Japanese Legnums:

http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/5449/jdmg0253nm.jpg http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/8831/jdmg0273qk.jpg

Oh what the hell…here is a vid of a Legnum running 12’s
http://thumbs.vidiac.com/E7CCC2FB-12BA-431E-BA93-A984BF2A1FB2.jpgClick here to see Video

wagons never died. they just got re-named. to SUV or now “cross over” = AWD wagon. gosh… thats one Mitsu i actually like.

some wagons are so hot. and that one definitely is.

much hotter then the wagon…sorry Howie :frowning:
