I hate moving

how much weight you think you have btw?

The best time I ever made was from Jacksonville, NC to Uniontown, Pa which at the speed limit is a 11 hour drive. I made it in 4.5 hours on my bike. I lost my license as a result of that trip.

The best time in a car from Jacksonville was 7 hours in my Jetta.

The best time from Charlotte which is a 7 hour drive has been 5.5 hours but Ive only made the drive 2 times.

Ill be lucky if I make it there with the money I have. Im basically gonna drive as far as I can make it then call AAA and have them bring me gas until I get home. :slight_smile: Besides that I called around and got estimates from moving companies and they said they would come pack/load my belongings, drive them to Pa and unpack/unload for $1000.00

I do appreciate the offer except we are almost packed now and we are leaving in the morning. :slight_smile: I think I have about 2200 lbs, btw.

We have too much junk…

2,200? or 22,000? 2,200 is tiny 22,000 is a decent job… i work for south hills movers

2,200Lbs. Its not that much. We only have a 1 bedroom Apt right now. We had alot more before we moved. It just feels like alot when your packing it and moving it downstairs by yourself.

:rofl: with 3 men i can pack, load, go to destination, unload, and unpack in like 4-5 hours, 2,200 it nothing. good luck tho

Thats 3 more men then I have lol… :slight_smile:

true, plus you’d be looking at 10 hours travel time. so good luck and hope you dont break anything comin up, are you truely packing the truck?(to the roof) or just floatin it? (head high)
heres a hint, couch’s on the deck along with other chairs and such, then right off the deck start to bild tiers with boxes then go with dressers and such and strap it all off…
for mirrors and glass wrap it then put them in between your matress’s… good luck

Just floating it. Thats exactly how Im loading it. This is about my 7th move on my own. Ive only moved once and let someone else pack everything since it was free. :slight_smile: I always lack help though. LOL. Thanks for the tips however, I do appreciate that.


4:05AM I cant sleep. This sucks. Im supposed to leave at 9am. Ill never make it lol.

need anything,give me a call 1-800-680-2959!we do towing!:smiley:

speaking of… :x: :love:

That 45mph on the tow dolley is only a recommendation. I towed my S-10 to Columbus last weekend with one and I was able to roll a steady 65 along the turnpike. Especially in OH where the roads are actually smooth. Not to mention it’s bagged and the front was practically slammed down on the tow dolley and the rear was max psi with no shocks. Tow it like you stole it! GOod luck on the move.

the TP to columbus??


turnpike to 71. Then to Columbus.

good for you? maybe friday… maybe tongiht!!!@?!? saturday? … i’m game whenever!

why???how long did it take?

tonight may work,just urs or both?