I hate New Jersey: Waterfest 17 *pics of girls*

They should remove it as a state and use New Jersey as a god damn land fill. US garbage problems fixed.

I was going to do show coverage for Stance:Nation but after seeing the cluster fuck thats called Waterfest and the assholes working there, they can kiss my ass.

+1, just want this to be clarified

+1, just want this to be restated

id post the pics of the girls there on the first day, but i threw up enough… they were hideous. maybe a few dime pieces but every girl was a legit dog.



There was like one decent girl outta that whole collection, the first bitch. The rest look like dump assed trash.

Carry on :slight_smile:


So many brotan’s and hair gel in NJ that they’d surely survive a nuclear missle attack.

Id fuck em all cellulite or not … get it