Sunday I rode down to Waterfest in New Jersey with big_red in his MK II Jetta coupe.
New Jersey may possibly be the worst state I have ever been in. There is more rubber from truck tire blowouts along the highway than Goodyear has in one of their plants, it smells, I cant think of one good thing I liked about it…well, other than crossing the border back into NY. Every person “working” at the show was an asshole and had an attitude and the show apparently went to pre-register only so there were better cars in the parking lot than the show.
I lost it a few times when an S5 with an exhaust kept giving it the cookies next to us in traffic…that is an amazing sound in person.
So we’ll start it off with a pic of the girl that was doing naughty things in her mind to big_reds Jetta. Epic MKII gets all t3h ladies.
If you’re a girl at a car show on roller skates, tiny shorts, and covered in tattoos…you may or may not get your picture taken.
Yellow Golf chick was blonde so she was automatically hot.
I was honestly going to take more shots, but I lost interest. There was a lime green Murcielago soft top and a white Murcie in the show but it was crowded with people. Im hoping Dan got a shot of it.
That guy is on a forum I’m on and he said he was pissed, they said he coudn’t run unless he purposely did above a 14. So he went down the runway at about 50 mph and then left :dunno
First time i went to the show this year because my bro brought his mkv r32. It wasn’t bad for me minus that it was 1000 degrees. One of my favorite cars there was the yellow s4 you had a pic of above. The color is gorgeous in the sun. The best laugh i had was at some clown who brought his buick regal into the soundoff…old ass dude who thought he was hot shit especially when he took off his shirt thinking he was super buff. God i laughed right at him lol. Car was super dumpy too, waste of a perfectly good regal that was made into a thumping piece of junk. Anyone else see it?