I hate sisters....

? um…no. May have gotten in a fight and posted it but it has nothing to do with this time. We were fighing because she stole some of my shit and I wanted it back, but she refused. She has a few of my shirts, one of my tvs, and a bunch of my tools. After she got in my face and started screaming and swearing at me, I called her a cunt, then she flipped and started attacking me. She did not “kick my ass” or anything of the like. I was pushing her away so I could get away from her because I was trying to maintain self control and not hit her (I would prefer not going to jail) and she grabbed my arm and yanked on it realy hard, which ended in it subluxing and I think some of the stiches and whatnot may have ripped or something. I am gona try to see my Dr tomarrow. I hope to god it didn’t tear again because; 1. I am not sure if they can redo the surgery, and 2. that means the past 3 months of pain and bs have been for nothing.