I HATE meatheads.... /rant

ok, so I went out to 7’s last night in Hamburg to meet some friends. I rode with a buddy of mine in his stang and were supposed to meet 3 chicks out.

We get to the bar, and this chick comes walking up to me… after a min. of thinking she looked familier, I realised that she used to hang out with my sister (and was good friends with one of my ex-girlfriends). So she came up and gave me a hug and I asked how she was doing and all that jazz.

About 2 seconds later this dude, standing about 6’5" 250 lbs (ALOT more built than me and my buddy combined) starts yelling “get the fuck away from my girlfriend”.

Her: “he’s a friend of mine”
Him: “I dont give a fuck… didnt you hear me… get the fuck away from her”
Me: “hey man, it’s not like that… no disrespect indended” then put my hand out to shake it
him: “get the fuck away from me… I’m not shaking shit… I’ll fuck you up”
Me: “yo man… it’s not like that… what the fuck?”
Her: “just stop it”
Him: “shut the fuck up bitch… you get your ass inside the bar and stay away from her… I better not see you talking to her again”

Then like 5 of his friends, who were also outside start laughing

me: “what the fuck ever man…” and go inside to get a drink

I get inside and to my delight, I see my cousin and a few of his friends inside

He starts telling me that the same assclown that was giving me a hard time rpped his g/f’s necklace off and all this other shit, which got me pissed to say the least.

So after a few shots and a few drinks… I go up to the bar to get another, and that girl came up to me and started talking to me again.

her: “hey, sorry about that… I didnt mean to cause trouble”
me: “it’s not your fault… your boyfriend seems like a real winner :roll:. He’ll be fuckin guys in prision in no time”
her " lol"
then assclown walks up again…
Him: “I thought I told you to stay away from her… I’ll kill you”
Me: “stfu…dont be an asshole”
Him: “get the fuck away from her… get over by the bar”
I take a step away from the bar
him: stares me down
Her: “ok guys… just stop it already”
Me: “I’m not dealing with this shit tonight” and walk over to my cousin and all those people.

So my buddy walks up and I tell him “lets go… fuck this place. I wanted to go out and enjoy myself, not get fucked with by some prick who likes to pick on people smaller than him”

Him: “it’s all good dude… Theres not gonna be a problem” as he flashed me his S&W knife
Me: “fuck that man… dont go stabbing people… I apprecite it, but leaving is just alot easier and that way no ones gonna end up in jail”

So as the night goes on… I got the stare down but didnt really give a shit… I figured, if he’s starting shit… it’s self defense, right?

well… this dude ended up getting even more wasted and gasp drove home. And the rest of the evening was aight once the girls showed up :naughty:

it was a pretty shitty start to the evening though. But whatever… I DO know what he drives though and it’s damn hard to miss :wink: karma’s a bitch lol he’s got something coming to him

i would have just called the cops then if he was driving home drunk, then drive by and stare at him to let him know you fucked him

and i love people that think they’re tough shit at the bar, i usually laugh at them, I really haven’t had a problem like that at any bars though,

shakes head to dude pulling out a knife people are such pussies.

i bet you wouldnt think he was a pussy if he had a gun in his car like some other traffic stopping members we all know

:shrug: hey, least he had my back if this dude would of jumped me (cant say that for alot of people). Just by the size of this guy, if he got a direct hit on me, would of probably put me in the hospital.

It’s not like he was gonna use it if he didnt have to… thats like calling a cop a pussy for carring a gun :wtf:

dumb opinion

you misunderstood me. im saying the other guy is a pussy for flashing a knife at you

whooooooooo… me. :lol:


fuck seven. that place is right down the street from my parents house. i used to go there all the time and run into some old friends from high school, but you can’t fuckin leave that place without gettin into a fight…
i’ll bet you $100 i know that guy… local hamburg assclown.

what an ass, he probably have a small pennies

gotta check this place

drives a dodge pickup (with white stripes). I think he used to bounce there or whatever

like I said, you cant miss it and Karma’s a bitch

j_espo1… my bad dude lol

color of pick up? est. age?

blue… he’s maybe 28-32 years old

edit: also has a sticker on the back window that reads “if you can read this, flip me over”

i’ve had to deal with assholes like that before. when i went to ozzfest earlier this year a guy with long blond hair a beard and ripped black sabbath shirt was being a retard and standing on the outside of the mosh pit of the second stage. I got into it and I got shoved into the guy and i spilled his beer. right away i appoligized and he starting saying shit like

“that was 6 fucking dollars, you better pay for that, give me he money now”

noticing that this guy was completely shit faced and/or stoned…i then said…

“what are you gonna do about it tough guy?”

then he said
“if you don’t give me money, i’m going to fucking kill you, i will fucking kill you.”

I refused and told him

“why the fuck should i pay for that, you are the retard that paid $6 for shitty beer and wanted to stand in the mosh pit… go take another drag and get over it you burned out roadie”

now i could have taken this guy down with no problem but a guy i was with had to be about 450lbs and at least 6’5" he was a monster… he walked over to him and said

“if you even lay one finger on him, you will have 6 people including me to beat the living shit out of you”

this guy was with his wife and daughter who looked scared and were telling him to knock it off they we’re dressed like complete trailer trash and like they spend every dime they had made to go to that concert and buy that beer. anyway. this redneck made the mistake of making a threat and having nothing to back it up with. so he backed off. but every time i looked at the guy he had his eyes open as wide as he could with the most evil frown i have ever seen on anyone. i started pointing and laughing and then he walked away out of my site. later his daughter came up and wanted me to come to appologize to him, she started crying and shit and saying i ruined his day. i said…

“i’m not talking to that prick, it was his own damn fault and he can fucking blow me if he dosent like it… now get the fuck out of my face”

she said

“you really are an asshole, i’m going to tell him everything you said you piece of shit”

i laughed and said

“i know i’m an asshole, now get the fuck away from me you trailer slut”

then the rest of my day was wonderful. 70’s/80’s metal heads need to realize that the tough metal guy attitude from back in the day will probably result in an asskicking if you don’t have anything to back it up with.

lol ^ classic

must be nice to have ur 400lb buddy back ur ass up.

it was alright… as i said this guy wouldent have been much of a challange for me, but the big guy saved me alot of trouble… i didnt come there to kick the ass of some drunk fuck and probably get kicked out for doing it, i came there to watch the bands and enjoy music.

That sucks man. At least you tried to handle it like a grown up. ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY GIRLFRIEND?!

SIG material right there.

so leave the drunk alone. especially if he is with his family…

I would have slept with his daughter.