Females and those that live with females PLEASE READ

Based on a family experience today I would strongly urge all females to be careful when alone at home or in potentially dangerous situations like parking lots at nite and the like.

Without going into too much detail anything can happen anywhere and today that has happened to my family and I wouldnt wish it upon anyone else.

So please ladies take care of yourselfs because there are some seriously derranged people in this world that dont deserve the air they breathe.

That is all.

I arm all my women with mace at the minimum.

And i will be subscribing to that school of thought as well. And a retractable baton

anyone get hurt ? everyone ok ?

whatever it was, best of wishes for those involved

I have given my mom, and all 3 of my sisters a very brief hand to hand routine to get out of most things, but always go for the mace first. Its more of a scare off factor, where the hand to hand is last resort. Retractable batons are a nice idea but impractical, Mace or actually OC spray can go on a keychain, and various other places. Pocket shockers are nice, 100,000 volts of juice is about $70.

pm if you need more info.

Yes/No unfortunately

and the perp has not been apprehended so I issue the warning in hopes that he doesnt come wandering into any of your lives.

Premeditated Act…leads me to believe he may be a serial criminal.

if i ever have daughters, im gonna teach them how to rip a mans ear off with their bare hands

that way, i know i dont have to worry about them

<–Minglor’s girlfriend

Sorry, send her my best

I hope everyones alright, its usually emotional stress more than anything else. If you want some pointers on things to teach them for the future throw me a pm.

I will thanks…but for the moment I think it just needs to set in and I need to deal with it a little bit so that I dont murder anyone that looks at my gf or sister in a manner i believe to be deviant.

fucked up man, this kind of shit really really pisses me off. lemme know if i can help.

The best thing anyone can do as far as i am concerned to help ease the situation is protect yourselfs and your loved ones so that this doesnt happen again to anyone on here.

Or if you happen to see a guy in camo gear and a ski mask…run him over…bring his clinging to life body to my house and let me take a pipe wrench to his skull

Did this happen in amherst, if so could it be the bike trail killer/ rapeist… best wishes man if you find him let me know so I can be involved

Nope…southern tier

Jesus. God bless man.

<- Goes to lock doors.

where in southern tier? give some locale details for girls we know who live round there

yea that would be appreciated…both me and my g/f along with some good friends live down here…a specific location would good to know

that sux dude, hopefully everything is ok or at least gets better very soon. If you get your hands on the fuckbag that did it, you should play Hostel with him…
God Bless

:tdown: I got 4 sisters myself.

Damn Kyle im sorry to hear man :frowning: Alot of worthless POSs out there :mad: