happy holidays. be safe... and dont be naieve(?)

Mom opened the door earlier today. 3 Spanish looking guys were at the door. She thought they were going to see if we wanted their driveway or whatever shoved. They instead covered her mouth and forced their way into the house, and a weilding a knife, tied both my mom and dad up. Ransacked the house, stole the tv downstairs, some cash, some jewelry, cell phones, my moms purse.

I was not there. If I was, I do believe the outcome would have been different. Note to the 3 guys : I will find you. I will hurt you.

Wow deeply sorry to here this Howie. Be Damn thankful they didn’t get hurt. This is the reason why my Wife is never allowed to answer the door and this is on G.I…
Hope everything works out the way you’d like it to!!!

seems like a pretty ballsy move.

PS: Ny gun laws suck, if anyone did that at my house i guarantee they would be answered with a .40

omg sorry to hear howie…

seriously I was expecting some fresh prince of bel air shit at the end of that.

that is super scary

Fuck that’s wretched howie. I’m sorry and furious to hear this, I hope your family will be ok. Ot: fuckers should come to my house and get some .308

Wow… so shitty. … Are they ok? what did the police say?

ew, sorry to hear that.
hope the bastards get caught.

what town did it happen in?

That sucks man, thank God your parents were not hurt…I have an M1 Garand next to my bed with bayonet fixed… i am waiting for the day someone breaks in.

That pisses me off so much. Hope everything works out in your favor.

Hope karma comes back around to them.

BTW, was this in WNY?

Fuck. Threats deemed OK in this thread. :mad:

Racism too?

Thats terrible, sorry to hear. Its not a bery good way to start off the holidays, Whats gonna happen from here? I wish the best of luck to you and your family.

Naive* <3

holy shit, something similar to this happened to my mom two summers ago. i hope you can find them without being found out.

p.s. i have one bit of advice for you, revenge is best served cold

WTF? Glad no one was seriously hurt.

Howie saying they we’re “Spanish looking” has no racist implications.


Sorry dude. I don’t even know what to say. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Sorry to hear man. Hope everything’s okay.

Shitty, sounds like they came out unhurt though, and I am hoping the insurance helps with the financials. I hope they can emotionally get over this, it’s probably the worst part of it all.


that sucks, hopefully the police in thier area does work and nails these guys.

insurance covers everything but cash in most of this.

A family member suffered a home invasion, 600$ cash was stolen, insurance paid out 200, said “thats all we pay for cash lost” fucking bullshit
that wasnt all that was stolen at the time, but that part stands out