Security Thread - Insight

We’ve all heard stories of people getting robbed and what not, but I have a question for y’all. How secure is your house, your car, or even yourself?


I am a new home owner, and when I moved into my place, I wanted to make it more secure.

Do you have an alarm system? Is it monitored live?

How about the little things?

Planting roses or holly under windows, as most people won’t want to get pricked to bust out your window.

A dead bolt that uses a key on both sides. How secure can you make your door? Most doors have pine frames with can be kicked in pretty easily. Would you add in additional locks on the top or bottom of the frame?

Motion sensing lights, camera sending live feeds via the web, pungie sticks etc?

Would you get a dog? What measures either small or large do you take to protect your home or business?


What do you do to help keep your car safe?

I never leave anything of value exposed in my car. I also have a car alarm and try to park in well lit, highly visible areas.

Do you lock your glove box and have wheel locks?

I know if someone really wants your car they will get it, but what measures to you take to protect your auto?


What do you do on a day to day bases to protect yourself?

I know we live in America and everyone should feel safe. This isn’t always the case though, as thousands get robbed, rapped, kidnapped, beaten and car jacked yearly.

Do you keep your eyes pealed at all times? Look and listen for odd things? Stay out of dark creepy areas?

Have you ever learned a self defense in some form of fighting?

Then the big question, do you carry a weapon? In my opinion a weapon can either help or hurt you. Mace or a taser might be great defense in a situation where the assailant doesn’t have a gun. If an assailant does have a gun, would you do anything besides do what they want? Is it worth risking your life over your wallet?

Just some thoughts and insight to help others pick up on small things that one can do to make themselves a little more safe during the holidays.

for my house, we have CPI security system with motion detectors, cell backup, live monitored. also have motion detected lights. Doors probably aren’t hard to kick in, but CPI will get the cops there FAST. They won’t have time to grab that much valuable shit.

Most importantly though, my dog would chase them away before they even took 2 steps. He would probably never harm anyone, but his bark is fucking scary.

for my car, just the standard car alarm. I don’t keep anything too valuable in there.

for me, just use common sense.

We live in Amherst, safest city in America more years than not.
Keep the doors locked at night, lamp pole light that turns on automatically in the driveway.
German Shepherd who has the run of the house at night, 9mm glock 19 in a keypad access drawer safe in my nightstand, 220 lumen cree engine flashlight on that same nightstand.

Automatic locks in the SUV, don’t have any aftermarket shit that draws attention (stereos, rims, tint etc). Parked in the garage at night. Honestly, I really don’t do much for my car. If you want it take it, I have insurance.

Self: Not much, but I almost never go into shitty areas. When I do the basics. Be aware of your surroundings, keep around other people, know where you’re going so you’re not wandering around lost.

Interesting thread…

Some words of knowledge will be dropped for sure, Ill contribute:

One thing to keep in mind, almost anything and everything can be used as a “weapon” in your household. Walk through your house and recognize what these items can be (ie: a vase holding flowers in your hallway by the door, an umbrella or shoehorn in a holder next to your door, picture frames, pens, envelope opener, I may be sick but realistically almost anything- I know someone who has candle holders that are spikes with the candle over them). A dog is definitely a good security system, let alone a home alarm system. Be aware of “weapons” in your house but also strategically place some weapons if you must.

Another note I want to make, many people carry knives/ have knives placed around. Problem is they may not know how to properly use a knife in defense and can end up getting themselves hurt. Take some quick lessons, it could save your life.

Most of all, nobody in my mind is considered too tough to simply pick up the phone and dial 911 asap…

Edit: Note on self defense, always make eye contact with someone (esp if walking alone on a city street or something late at night), even say hello to them. A simple action such as that can ward off someone about to mug you. Lettting the threat know that your aware of them can go a long way. If the threat becomes an issue, the weakest person can take down the strongest. Go for the eyes, groin, throat…

I find it silly when people don’t just get an alarm system for their homes. Even a basic system is enough to scare off most robbers. Especially when your neighbors don’t have one.

Free roaming pitbull.

Gun, ready at all times. Not under my bed in a locked case with no ammo. Military ready.

Alarm systems are great. Everyone knows that after it goes off, it takes 30 min before any LEO will show up. The bad guys are aware of this as well.

Next someone here is going to tell me how much racking the slide on a shotgun will scare every bad guy to tears. Bad guys understand that most people will never never never never pull that trigger, remember its their job, they know these things.

If you can’t take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it. More than a few women have been raped while the 911 dispatcher listened to it helplessly. Don’t let that happen to the ones you love, arm them.

Double Cylinder locksets (key on both sides of the deadbolt) is not up to current fire code on new houses. It’s nice to be secure, but also sucks if you can’t get out in case of a fire/emergency.


99.9% of domesticated dogs will never attack an intruder. They are taught from the time they are pups not to be aggressive. And any experienced burglar is fully aware of this. So don’t expect a dog to be any more of a security measure other than just alerting you. My buddy’s apartment was burglarized in broad daylight while he was at work…even though he has an 80 lb pitbull to “protect” his property.

should watch that show on Discovery… i forget the name off-hand. You’d be suprised at how many “tactics” don’t work. (i.e dogs) When somebody really wants your stuff, they’ll go after it.

Yeah, all I really need the dog to do is make enough noise to wake me up.

That said though, unless the robber is specifically targeting me, I’m guessing most would just move on to an easier target when they hear a dog going nuts in the house.

completely not true

dont leave anything in your car and leave it unlocked, chances are the ignorant people will smash the window anyways even if its unlocked if they see something they want, so dont leave anything of value in it.

cameras, safes, outside lights, neighbors for friends, and a good alarm system that notifys you are all good messures.


Hell, my dog attacks me when I get home, I can’t imagine what he would do to strangers.

It’s funny I would love to see the stats around losing data/money online vs someone actually breaking into your home.

the best thing you can do when somebody breaks into your house is to LEAVE and call for help. being a hero is not worth it, alarm systems are a scam, weapons just increase your chances of getting hurt.

ppl keep saying that alarm systems are a scam, but anytime i’ve accidentally set mine off, CPI has called me within 10-15 seconds. I literally have to run to the alarm, turn it off, then run for my phone, and it’s usually ringing by the time i get to it. If I were to not answer, they would call the alternate immediately, if no answer there, they call the cops. If I were to answer and tell them I wasn’t home, they would call the cops immediately.

From there on out, it’s an issue of your local law enforcement response time.

I think it’s pretty damn good…not to mention the smoke alarms are tied in too, so if a fire starts, response will be quick as well.

with the cell backup, there is zero chance of them disabling the alarm system from outside the house (ie, clipping your phone/internet lines)

Keep a few lights on, don’t leave things outside or unlocked, and don’t advertise that you have nice things.

That is my current dilemma, I guess I have enough first story windows to jump out of if my key isn’t on me.

I don’t talk about my security settings on the internet… home car anything. That is one of the biggest things i do to keep myself safe. After that I have guns and I know how to and will use them. I make sure my neighbors always see them to know without looking crazy. I make sure they also know I spent time in the military with two combat tours. I also remain friendly with the neighborhood and keep an eye out for everyone else.

House-just basic locks, have an alarm the roommate is getting fixed.
Beretta PX4 9mm that is at my bedside at night, and locked in my safe every morning. Also living in a fairly safe neighborhood. Practice at least montly with it and I am confident I can hit anything to the point I would need to pull it out.

Car-nothing worth of value ever in it. And i got insurance, so not worried about it.

Self-Aware in of situations i am walking into. Don’t go to areas I know are bad, always with someone for the most part. If i feel uncomfortable about the situation I carry the above beretta. I usually got a pocket knife on me when I am not at work, but would never even think about using a knife in any fight since it can be turned on me.