happy holidays. be safe... and dont be naieve(?)

Wow that sucks. Glad your parents are alright though. Hopefully they find the pricks.

fuck that howie… wtf. I remember the tv in their basement. Must have been quite a task to just “walk away with”

Jesus dude. That is crazy. Glad to hear your parents weren’t harmed

Fuck, man. So sorry. Just be glad that they’re OK.


dude, as messed as that is… at least they’re okay…

it could have been soooo much worse.

if i were religous i’d pray for you and your family… but i’m not so… ya know

Wow, I’m sorry to hear that I hope your parents are ok and that you find those fucks.

I’m at home now, police had the house taped off with crime scene tape. Fucking crazy.

The place is a mess. It’s a good thing my dad has a bunch of shit, sorta. They got fed up with looking through his piles of papers and crap in all his boxes that he missed like, pretty large sums of cash and other valuables.

I wasn’t being racist or anything when I said “3 spanish looking dudes”. That’s the descript. If it were 3 asian dudes, I’d say “3 chinese looking dudes”, etc.

Anyway, I think the biggest shock right now is just how much dissarray everything is, and like, the fact that this place feels violated, and I don’t think I can sleep here tonight. I am getting pretty tired though, and I have my 5 iron next to me right now. Looks like the 870 is getting purchased even sooner than expected.

Parents are getting infared cams all over the house for Christmas, and ADT will be getting a call tomorrow. On the phone with Traveler’s insurance right now. High call volume at 11:45PM? WTF?


I cant imagine the violated feeling that they are experiencing… ADT would be a great idea, not sure it would have helped much in this case… the best thing I can see here is nobody was hurt and now you can rest assured that if god forbid it would ever happen again… I have a feeling you and anybody who hears this story will have a greater fear of shitty people. Fear is a good thing sometimes… sucks that we even have to worry about this sort of thing. Do your parents have a dog?

Again, so glad nobody was hurt :tup:

Glad to hear they are ok. The money and other items can be replaced, thats what insurance is for. Your parents had their lives threatened, and thats when it is ok to defend themselves in their home. Get the 870 and get them comfortable with the idea of having it in the house. One of the indoor shooting ranges out here in Phoenix allows you to bring the floorplan of your house to simulate your room layout. They then offer suggestions for couples on ways to defend themselves (i.e. where to position yourself, how to clear rooms, etc.)

Man I hate to hear this shit. 2 guys tried to rob my roommate and me this year on our way back from campus. I was dumb and fought back, so my roommate had to too. While I came out fine since I box regularly, he’s small and took a punishment; suffered a broken nose and 2 broken orbitals. I haven’t stopped watching over my shoulder since then. Its tough to even walk that route still. But I do boast they didn’t take our stuff from us!

Get them whatever it takes to make them feel more secure at home. I can at least avoid that spot when I walk to campus now. My roommate drives now- we only live a block off campus. If it’s your home- what do you do?

Well your parents weren’t hurt, so they only thing of any real value they took is you and your family’s sense of security/innocence. That sucks hard. Just keep your head on straight. You’re not Liam Neeson. But if you do find them don’t hurt em, just kill them. :tup:

This is awful to hear. Im glad the 'rents are ok.
People are ridiculous.

If it helps any I used to work for ADT and they do really awesome camera/Burg system pricing. If you have any questions on suggestions for product, etc feel free to PM me. I installed for around 2 years for them.

This is why I never answer the door. Sorry to hear about this Howie and I’m glad everyone is ok!

Contact the cell phone carrier, and have a GPS trace located?
But thankful that they are ok.

Agreed, and a nice metal w/metal frame door is the best, with a small peephole (rule of thumb is, no bigger than a .22 sized bullet).

+1. The cameras, maybe a new door and the Brinks/ADT will definitely help instill a sense of security. Maybe pick up a small rifle like a hi-point or something similiar for them as well, and make sure they practice using it.

The security system and pump-action will give you that secure feeling, but I hope you can find peace in that house after. That’s frightening stuff. Sorry to hear Howie.

I’m really sorry to hear this, but like everyone said I’m really glad they’re OK physically.

I think a dog is probably a better idea than a shotgun. Odds of you having it within reach are low. Odds of a dog barking making scumbags move to the next house are good. Sadly that doesn’t help your neighbors, but there will always be scumbags out taking advantage of someone. As a normal citizen all you can do is try to protect your family. Cameras sound like a great idea too. I dealt with B&H for this. Some of the guys there install too and you’re within driving distance.

This sounds like a good idea if the robbers are dumb enough to leave it on with the card in it.

Wow man, sorry to hear but glad everyone is ok. Let the police do their jobs. 3 idiots this bold will get caught soon enough.

And +1 to a dog. Any time I answer to door my 90lb shepherd Max is right by my side and if he gets a feeling from me that I don’t know who’s at the door he sounds awful pissed off. It’s funny how well dogs can read off their owners like that.


Wow man I’m sorry to hear about this. Best of luck man.

This is why I’m really thinking about upgrading my .22 cal carry gun to a 9mm at least.