I have $5.

^^ Best option overall

You can walk to get to work. You can’t walk to get a nicotine fix. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really enjoying figuring out how to twist logic to justify the more satisfying answer.

Jam, ride the 90cc dirt bike to hybrid and use that money to buy 2 cans of crunk. Using the energy from that, you’ll be able to run to work and deliver pizzas strapped to your back.

just got back. crossing southpark on a 90cc dirtbike during the day is kinda sketchy

you sound like Skunk…he always has $5

pizza delivery driver… :noob:

You should have spent the $5 buying linkin park tracks off iTunes.

bum a ride from me :shrug:

2 bucks in gas in the 90cc and 2 double cheeseburgers

Check your glovebox, under your seats, and in your pants/jacket pockets. I can always find at least one cigarette when I think I’m out. Your might have to smoke one of the discarded broken ones with no filter, harsh, but it works. Or a 3/4 cig from the ashtray.:fyi:

:eyebrow: you srsly need to quit. :fyi:

Buy a cigar,put the rest in your tank.

i saw this earlier and had i gotten out of work on time i would have stopped by with smokes for you to bum. unfortunately i did not and you are now at work.


i work basically every single day. i have access to thousands of packs of cigarettes basically every single day. i drive home to hamburg basically every single day.

i’m not condoning illegal activities, but something tells me my job would not miss a pack or two or three. :snky:

i am the cig queen. i’ll hook a brotha up.

anything marlboro plz <3

and for anyone who cares, i rode the 90 cc to the gas station, got a lot of weird looks, rode it along the thruway for a bit, came back here, went to work and actually took 2 deliveries before i got gas. i swear to god that fucking car runs on hopes and dreams :slight_smile:

now im drinking my 4th sam adams :slight_smile: :jam:

i say spend 4.50 on gas and buy a couple looseys

now im on my 7th sam adams and im out of smoke. again.

son of a whore. i should just go to bed and repeat this poll in the am.

fuck the polll… just repeat the drinking in the am

fuck bed. just keep drinking.