cig prices

WTF is NY doing they are more then doubling taxes on cigs on the third i think this is so dumb, they think they are gonna make a ton more money but really they will make the reservations rich no ones gonna pay $7 something a pack when they can get them for $2.50. Why does NYS insist on taxing there remaining residents to death

Another reason why I’m glad that I’ve never started smoking.

and anyone know if this is gonna apply to liquor too

Here in Westchester pack of Marlboro is around $4.50 in NYC its $7


I am all for charging like $1100 a pack a cigs or even outlawing them altogether.

Smoking FTL.

I agree. They need to make Smoking illegal. And I am a smoker myself.

I hope they go to 10 dollars a pack.
If you’re gonna smoke you better be rich. Killing yourself ain’t cheap anymore.

but the state doesnt want you to quit like they say they just wanna see how much they can get in taxes. i quit for 5 years and wish i never would of started back up, but saying everyone should just quit is a good thought but not practical. last time i tried i put on 20 pounds and got real sick like puking everyday.

I know some people are more or less trapped by it. But it’s just fucked up that they allow this shit to be legal. I’ve smoked cigars and such here and there just because and I’m glad I have no addiction

I think they are going to be $6.50. But anyways do the math.

pack a day costs $2400 a year.

Todays the day I scheduled myself to quit. We give NYS enough money.

I think they are going to be $6.50. But anyways do the math.

pack a day costs $2400 a year.

Todays the day I scheduled myself to quit. We give NYS enough money.

The real issues are the parents who smoke in the car with thier kids, who arent old enough to tell them not too.

if smoking should be illegal so should a $300 pair of jeans, and drinking for that matter. I may smoke but i know alot of people who drink and i am completely against drinking.

second hand drunk wont kill you.
Might hit on you, or puke on you, but it wont kill you.
hahaha unless you give it a car.

Smoking is dumb.

Don’t understand why anyone would pay money to kill themself, smell bad and isolate themself from everyone else. Theres nothing good about it, so I don’t have any problem with the prices getting higher. With the impact of inflation, I can’t imagine how people are going to be able to justify a pack of smokes. I couldn’t even understand it before the price increase.

hahan I tried that argument with my dad.
His response I pay $9.10 a carton.
I guess anyone has 10$, inb4 everyone starts smoking smoking joes brand.

wow, smoking is expensive.

good luck to you people trying to quit. it seems like everyone is trying to quit these past months.

Yet I saw someone smoke their first cig at BT tonight. tsk tsk.

Smoking is fucking cool. I had always wanted to start, I think this is just enough incentive to try.

Any advice for a first timer? I think I have the butt-flick down…just need to harden the lungs now.

you’ll want to master the “inhale through the nose, exhale out the mouth” technique and you’ll be golden.