Fellow Shifters, please take a moment and read this

Seriously not looking for any bullshit in here.

IF you don’t care about anything I have to say and just want teh gist, SKIP to the bottom above the link.

As some of you know, I have been smoke free for around 7 months now thanks to the use of electronic cigarettes and the ridiculously amazing community involved around it. My wife has been smoke free for 6 months, and my father is going on his second month smoke free thanks to electronic cigarettes; A 56 year old man who smoked 2 packs a day for 32 years has not touched a cigarette in 2 months thanks to these e-cigs.

E-Cigs are a healthy alternative! While the base of whats used in liquid that ecigs use is safe, you still take in Nicotine. This is where its up to someone whos looking into e-cigs and has concerns to look up the risks/benefits of nicotine. I mentioned this because some companies try to market e-cigs as 100% safe or as a quit smoking device which is not what they are intended for, although they have helped some quit that wanted to.

I could go on and on but im not going to, if anyone has any questions or help and is just curious about any of this even if you are not a smoker or not looking into e-cigs feel free to ask i’ll answer as best as i can.

More to the point, e-cigs are not understood widely and people assume its one in the same as smoking and harmful to those around someone who is using one, which is just not the case. Places are trying to ban the use of e-cigs and some pushing to get them banned all together.

E-cigs are not only helping people live healthier lives, they are creating jobs for people.

Anyways, please take a moment of your time and signup and sign this petition so we can get e-cigs recognized as a healthy alternative and help spread the word about them and the right kind of information.


People still smoke?

Apparently. I thought smoking went out when the pay phone did.

as a health teacher this is still not a “safe” choice. it may be “less harmful” however the research is not conclusive yet. I would not recomend these to anyone but i am glad that they are working to make you feel better.

I agree with you somewhat. It is not 100% safe, i stated that. Its an alternative, while the FDA for whatever reason refuses to do a study on them, the only harmful substance being introduced to the body is nicotine. As a health teacher I am sure you are aware that Nicotine has both good/bad effects on the body, and that nicotine shares many of the “harmful” characteristics of one who regularly consumes caffeine.

I would not recommend them to someone who does not smoke, or someoen who has already quit. But for someone who enjoys smoking, like I and many others do and may not want to quit and would like the same sensation without the health risks, you bet your ass i’d recommend this to them. I do know people who have used e-cigs to kick the habbit entirely, and thats awesome.

Vaping as it were, is to me what coming home at the end of the day and having a beer is to a lot of people. Nicotine is addicting, but its not nicotine soley which addicts smokers theres 900 other addictive substances in cigarettes which aids in the nicotine addiction. After 7 months, I can tell you I am no longer dependent on nicotine like I was with smoking. Do I want to give it up? no I enjoy it, but if I had to I would like to think it would not be a problem. I don’t depend on it to get me through a day anymore. I don’t crave anything on my car ride to work, or when I first get up in the morning. I can go hours without it and have it not bother me. Is there still an addiction? Yes I’m sure, but my body is not as dependent on it like it once was, if I go a few hours I may crave it a bit, but I no longer feel like I want to rip someones head off if I don’t get my fix.

Ive been sleeping better, feeling better when I wake up, I don’t hack up shit every morning, my immune system is better, my bloodwork has improved. Im not as easily winded etc…


E-cigs, Shady likes 'em.


funny shit is, E ciggs were banned becuase there bad for you… (at least as far as I know)

Real ciggs are even WORSE for you and there still legal lol…

Anyone else see how fucked the government is? Keeping shit that kills legal to make a profit? Same with alchohol, the most common cause of death only legal becuase of the insane amount of money the government makes off of it. I know most of you guys like to get drunk and shit and probably wont agree just for that reason but its nuts. Im really surprised that pot and or prostitution arent legal, government wouldnt be trillions of dollars into debt anymore lol.


e-cigs are not banned, states are trying to ban use in public places and some trying to ban the sale of them all together.

oh…thught they were? They dont have that stand in the mall anymore and i dont seem em in the gas stations anymore.

Because population control.

Would not suprise me if the ones in the mall closed down, unfortunately while they were selling decent kits, they were WAY overpriced. Also a lot of the ones you see in gas stations are complete garbage.

Blu, a well known e-cig company just started selling Disposables in walgreens. They are a 1 time use e-cig for around 8 bucks, I have used one just to see how it stacked up and for someone wanting to give it a try they are awesome, they will last close to a whole day.

Unfortunately starting on a garbage kit like ones in gas stations and even some that were in the malls can really turn someone off from it, crappy flavor and vapor production really throws the whole experiance off. Not to mention most dont realize that their are vendors online that sell the kits at less then half the cost that these malls places do, and sell quality liquids and most are very knowledgeable about what they are selling. I tried talking to the guy in the kiosk at crossgates and he was completely clueless about waht he was selling, and he actually wreaked of cigarettes.


Smoking is so retro.

I need to stop smoking , I smoke farrrrrrr to much .

I used to smoke on and off but I just can’t justify spending $10 on a pack anymore.

20-30 bucks a day

Lol @ referring to ANY type of smoking as healthy.

I lost my father from lung cancer.

I almost lost my mother to lung cancer 7 years ago. She quit cold turkey, but STILL has health related issues due to smoking. She has been on her death bed for months, and is now just starting to make some improvements. She now has a trach, is on 24 hour ventilator support, been on a feeding tube and tons of other issues, ALL STEMMING from tobacco use.

Keep smoking dumb asses