I'm quitting... Who's with me!?

I quit smoking. :benny

Any one else want to get in on this? :excited

You so want a cig right now.

she quit smoking cigarettes… she started smoking pole… just ask jclark and shawn. :umm

well I never started in the first place.

congrats on quitting though

Coffee has become a direct replacement. :lol

And Traivs, you’re a douche bag.

i quit for a year and started up a couple of moths ago, maybe a few im not sure, but i have gone about 2.5-3 weeks now without one, and i hope to keep on it. If i did it before i can do it again.

thank you. :cool

JClark is the resident dream boat around here. GTFO or choose another word.

you’re just trying to make me jealous… its ok… i know you want my balls… you just have to get on your knees and beg.

I am faithful. :ninja

so classy for being older then everyone on this forum.

Man I wish I had a nice cig right now, the feel of it on my lips, the taste of the smoke, the end to the craving…mmmmm

classy went out the fuckin window when the car went poof…

You can’t say that and then make the ninja face! It doesn’t help my argument! :lol

and it looks like its working out great for ya from what i hear.

its a living… :lol

mmmm delicious, nutritious tobacco.


Actually Benny, that just makes me want to puke.

You did the pill? :shifty

glad your content with that then. matt was saying you had a great trip to turning stone last week…glad thats workin out for ya as your source of income.