I'm quitting... Who's with me!?

Can we get back on topic please? QUIT SMOKING WITH ME PEOPLE!

:crackup :crackup :crackup benny…

really helping her cause lol

theres ups and downs. i have a line on a decent job right now… working on getting in there… if i get it its 20 hrs/week and $1,800 net every 2 weeks.

This is not going to turn into another Travis vs. the world thread. Mother fuckers.

every thread is a me vs the world thread… learn it, accept it. then you will be at peace… until then… get back under my desk

I will so ban you



What pill? The Chantix stuff or w/e? Negative. I’m doing this cold turkey on my own. Will power my friend.

you just mad that she dont want your nuts no more?

Ehh quittings gay

seriously, I can argue about smoking and its effects on differant people all day…

but, once my kids here im either quitting all together or were all going to have to go outside to smoke…

I like smoking, dont ask me why, I know what it causes and what it doe,s but I like it…

sue me

I’m quitting because:

  1. It’s unhealthy. I don’t want to carry around an oxygen bag in another thirty years…
  2. Well, let’s just say someone has provided me with the motivation I need.

yeah… when i say no more sex til she stops smoking… she cant quit fast enough.

bout that unhealthy part. I think it’s like a month after you quit that you start actually coughing up tar, prepare for that one. Couple of my friends that quit had that happen to them

:lol Trav is just not letting up on this one

I really don’t have the energy anymore to have a comeback ready every time you make a comment like this.

Someone get this leg humper away from me! :ahh :runaway


I actually haven’t smoked for that long, and I never smoked that much when I did.

how much did you smoke/ for how long?

I only smoked for about a year, and it was like a pack every three days.

it probably will happen, but probably won’t last for that long then

I never knew anyone that quit who had that problem? :confused