I’ve seen people hack up some gross shit while quitting
I would rather hack up gross shit now than have cancer and a hole in my throat later in life. :ponder
I don’t think she wants your nuts either big guy.
Oh don’t be a pussy you can smoke for at least 10 years before seeing major effects, go ahead, have one on me.
Nah go for the hole so I have some thing new to bash you for
Sean, you are something else.
Benny, I don’t want to / can’t afford to smoke that much longer.
Pussy, you’re a quitter, and quitters never win.
ok I’m done, congrats for getting the monkey off your back, keep it in your pants.
Wait how did she get Travis to leave her alone?
He actually has a job interview. :wow
Quoted for permanence.
I’m going to start smoking and prove how easy it is to quit.
Smoke weed :excited
Me, or Jesse?
Yes :excited
she blew me. :ssh
Benny you freakin’ kill me with how excited you are about pot.
haha I’m not that excited, but I love being around virgins, it brings me back to the original mystique/thrill :sad
now I might as well smoke cigs, only my cigs get me higher than Travis’ opinion of himself. (delusions of grandeur)
Nicole, I’m sure you’ll experience some discharge from your lungs. I’m on antibiotics right now… mix of a bronchial infection along with discharge from not smoking.
I smoked 1 to 1 1/2 packs for the last year and a half.
Addiction totally fascinates me.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery :ssh
Not mine, I mean other people’s.