And boom goes the dynamite... er, e-cigarette??


Yea this has been circling like crazy. Unfortunately the news like usual is blowing it way out of proportion in terms of the safety of e-cigs.

It’s a fact the guy was using stacked batteries in a tube type mod, RC123A’s in particular, unprotected 3V batteries. Chances are the Tube did not have vent holes, or a hot spring. Most Tube type e-cigs much like the ones I use and he was using have Vent holes and a copper soft spring in the bottom. In the event of a battery failure, the copper spring will collapse breaking contact with the positive connection of the tube keeping the batteries from continuing to short. In for whatever reason this failed to work, or the mod uses a steel spring their are vent holes to allow the gases to vent out without causing a catastrophic explosion.

I have had batteries heat up on me due to a short, feel the tube get warm, by that time the hot spring collaposed, take the battery out and throw it away. This generally happens from shitty connections, people screwing shti down tight as they can, or using cheap ass unproctected batteries and the wrong types of chargers. 100% this fucking tube was heating up and he continued to try and use it until it blew up in his face. I feel bad for the guy, but people are stupid and don’t educate themselves on this shit. Those batteries don’t just fucking explode, they get very hot and start venting. It’s this guys own fault for not putting it down and walking away from it. There have been 1 other confirmed cases of this happening in the past 3 years, and it was the almost exact same situation. Retard using stacked RC123a’s, he put them on a 3.7V charger, they overcharged and when he went to use them they fucked his day up.

Stacking batteries is 100% safe so long as you use the correct charger, rotate them accordingly and take care of your shit to make sure you dont casue a short by a faulty pin on an atomizer connection etc.

Witht hat beign said, I think stacking batteries is dumb, spend a bit of money and get a device that works on a single battery and has the proper saftey features built in.

Most e-cigarette users use stick batteries anyways that are proprietary little cigarette looking things, to the bigger egos which is like the size of a large pen. A very small percentage of e-cg users actualyl use “mods” as everyone calls them, and anyone whos looking into one has been using ecigs for awhile and at least has a basic understanding on how not to be a fucktard.

I think I’ll stick to the real cigs. Nothing like choochin on a real breathin antler

be a boss and switch to stogies. nothin like puffin on a fat cuban while drinking expensive brandy.
or so i hear. lol

My co-worker owns an e-cig company and he said the day this story broke that the idiot probably modded his unit or did something stupid like hook it up to a car battery.

You never know. The dickbag probably tried to light the e-cig.

thats what you get for smoking an e-cig to begin with. fucking dumbest thing ever.

How so? Got me off smoking

Got my dad, a smoker of 35 years off smoking
Got my wife off smoking

Got a 76 year old man off smoking after I gave my mom a kit to hand him.

4-5 other people I know personall off of smoking.

Truth is wayne, and most who dont smoke dont understand it, but most of us who did or still do smoke, don’t want to quit, we know were playing russian roulette and we don’t care. I fucking loved smoking.

E-cigarettes are a way to either A) Allow to you continue to get nicotine, while leaving all the other bad shit behind and still get the satifying feeling you get from a cigarette B) Lower your Nic percentage down to 0 and either vape for the fun of it or wein yourself off completely, i have known a few who have done this.

Me, shannon and my dad are all comming up on a year of being smoke free. My dads doctor in particular is extremely pleased with my dads recent vitals and bloodwork given a few conditions he was diagnosed with over a year ago that the doc told him would put him at serious risk given his current status and bloodwork for a heart attack and that has completely gone away as of now thanks to him quitting.

It’s a great alternative to people, do I think its 100% safe? No not really, while everyhting in an e-cigarette is safe, nothing has been looked at over the course of 10-20-30+ yuears so we won’t knwo for some time. But mant doctors are seeing major improvements in patients, some doctors using e-cigs themselves. Do I think there might be some long term side effects? Yea maybe, but i still dont think it will be anything really dangerous. and it is without a fucking dbout 100% safer then puffing on a real cig

+1. It looks fucking retarded. And I know Shady says it got people off smoking, but it really didn’t. Lets see how long you last if you didn’t have your e-cig there. You’re still fulfilling your smoking with it.

Don’t be ignorant. It’s an alternative, I’ve said it before. Everyone seems to think the “It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, so it must be a duck” bullshit applies here and it does not. There is no combustion, there is no smoke. There is no carcinogens, its vapor/steam.

It’s meant as a healthier alternative for people who cannot break the habits. Thought many people have used it to quit completely.

As far as lasting without it, I actually can do quite good without my e-cig cossey. Suprisngly enough your body doesn’t jones nearly as bad when the ~50 something other addictive ingredients in a tabacco cigarette are not there.

I have gone a whole day without using mine without freaking out, did I want it? Yeah sure, but it wasnt like before when I was smoking where I was getting irritated and wanted to rip someones face off. Diden’t effect my dad one bit like it would have in the past.

I loved smoking, if I was not doing this, id probably still be smoking. I like the way it feels, I like what nicotine does do for the body. WHy don’t you look up nicotine… it has quite a few good attributes to it, and for how “dangerous” it is its just about as bad as caffeine… It’s more then just the addiction to the chemical side of things, people like to have something in their hands, they like the way it feels going down there throat, its almost like a soothing tick once you’ve been doing it for awhile, and an e-cig helps with that.

There was no ignorance in my posting. Saying it looks retarded is an opinion, not a failure to acknowledge truth. I said you’re still fulfilling your smoking, which you are. Just because there’s no smoke, doesn’t mean you’re not smoking. Sure, it may not be nearly as harmful as smoking an actual cigarette, but at the end of the day you’re just smoking an alternative.

You look like a retard with those things in your mouth. The whole point of smoking is to look cool is it not? Ask fonzy or god damn james dean if he’d be caught dead with that faggot beacon in his mouth. NOPE.

Sure it starts out like that when your 13 wayne, then it becomes a gross and disgusting habbit in which your body and mind begin to crave constantly.

Yess cossey you are right, im still feeding a habbit in which I began to love after years, aside from people having a hard time accepting it because it looks like smoking, which its not, It’s no different than many habbits people have trouble breaking, you and society just has a hard time seeing that given that smoking is such a bad thing for your body, and using an ecig to most is the exact same thing. This is why we’ve been trying so hard to get correct information out there so that people understand what it really is.

I still treat it like a cigarette in that I don’t do it in public places, don’t try to do it in a plane or any placve like that because I know people dont understand and find it offensive, I gfet that.

Hell I don’t think I touched my ecig in the 2 hours adam was over my house aside from when I showed it to him when we were talking about CNC machine and I was showing him my Reo right before he elft.

If i was still smoking, i would have told him I had to go out to have a smoke at least 5-6 times



+rep, literally lollling

Put it into perspective for Wayne: Smoking is to some people what searching eBay and Craigslist for Detroit diesel beltbuckles and Mohawk lifts is to you.


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl I am dying over here.