i have no idea how this happened...

can i be the closet gay guy who has sex for money, but refuses to admitt hes gay ?

hey whatever makes it easier for you buddy :lol:

And they have to for some reason feel the need to take off their shirt and/or the rest of their clothes. There’s ALWAYS a fat chick waving her boobies around at the audience.

i like you.

but she has to pretend/think shes the hottest chick in the world. that part is key.

i’ll play that role.


lol DOO IT!

Maybe it will be the show I have tix too!

I cannot wait.

snip im not thattttttttt mean lol


more people need to give ideas… let’s get something rediculous going

don’t forget to talk in a drawl and seem incredibly ignorant.

It’s been tried…

If you pull off a retarded story around here, I’ll be in. It’s a bit harder than you think.

We tried. Twice.


im down like becks pants in a daycare.

Jam, we are sooo discussing this tonight.

How can comming up with a retarded story be hard when you live in the Ritz with like 3 or more other guys! If you don’t post up anything in 3 hours I will. :stuck_out_tongue: