holy weird phone call

so my house phone rings at midnight and I am like WTF…pick up some girl says it is the wrong # so I hang up…2 seconds later it rings again this time I am pretty jacked and I am like you have the wrong number. to make along story short it was my ex from 4 years ago calling me.

she said her friend just moved to my town and she just got her new # and was trying to call her and dialed my # instead. after 4 years what are the chances you just dial someones # cause it has the same area prefix?

booty call

Nah she lives in New York and knows better than to call me for that cause she is one crazy bitch or atleast 4 years ago she was…I told her I was goin to bed to get the hell off the phone


don’t post just keep eating so I don;t embarass you too much thursday…I am not the one swinging from supra owners nuts

thats crazy i 'd say.

his supra > any wrong wheel drive honduh. doesnt matter who paid for it, that thing looks good.

well instead of eating wings why don’t you bring his dick along…we all know you have had a lot of practice eating that

“look at kolar swinging from a monkey vine! oh wait it is just him hanging from the supra kids pubic hair”

I would hardly call complimenting someones car hanging from his nuts. If that were the case you would be living inside Eric and Nauffies testicles.

well if that was the case you would be living in that dudes asshole lickin the backside of his balls from the inside


Whatever Mr. Wrong Wheel drive…

you are goin to be no wheel drive if you sell that car

we’re on the wrong side of the bandwagon. :crying:

P.S. :bowrofl:

ha thats funny!


and what poopra are we talking about again?

the black one with the big wing and the big single.

you know they do make phones with things that…whats that called again…oh yeah silencers…so they dont ring at night. It should be a little switch right on the phone.


Oh gawd, let’s not dig up the plethora of posts where you where hanging form a certain white supra owner nuts as well…