Wrong Numbers are starting to piss me off...

I don’t know how many wrong numbers I’ve gotten in the last month or two. And it’s on my cell phone no less!

Has anyone gone along with the people on the other end and pretended to be the person that they are looking for? I had a lady call me thinking I was Teds Hot Dogs. She wanted to oder hot dogs… I wish I would have went with that one.

lol…my house phone is a couple digits off from Kohl’s. I’ll get a couple calls every now and then. I haven’t had any on my cell yet. :shrug:

Once I got a call from some nun looking for another one. For some reason this lady did not think it odd for a ~20 year old man answering the phone. I played along and said I would relay a message. Whoops!

a couple weeks ago, this girl called me thinking that she’d dialed her boyfriend’s number. she said “hi” in the prettiest way I’ve ever heard.
I was really disappointed she wasn’t calling to talk to me…made me want a girlfriend.


i hate it when ignorant people call…
me: hello
them: is so and so there?
me: no, u have the wrong number
them: well is this person there then?
me: nope, wrong number
them: well is … there?

and so on for another minute or so.
anyone else ever get that?

I get calls on my cellphone all the time for Susan and Tony. Their daughter Alexandria’s school has called me atleast 3 times. Other times its banks or credit card companies calling for them. I was getting atleast one call a week for them for awhile and then not for a while but lately Ive gotten a few more.

Tuesday I had just hung up with one wrong number call (misdial) and then it rang again and was Alexandria’s school again. Ive told the school its not their number anymore atleast twice but it didnt seem to help.

I’ve never had anything that bad but I’ve had someone call back after I said wrong number. Don’t you wonder why some voice that you’ve never heard answers the phone that they think they are calling?

I’ve had people ask me for the persons number when I tell them that they have the wrong number. I give them pizza hut or whatever I can find first and let them dial that.

I wonder how old she is (insert pedophile joke here) because if shes a teen you could probably do her a big favor…

school: your daughter was caught smoking pot in the school parking lot!

ok…minues the pot smoking whore part.


Thats what us old skool pranksters call a prank phone call.

before the advent of caller id, and for a short while after they became popular, you would call a random number and harass the person on the other side.

haha next time the school calls get really angry and tell them that you’ll handle her by beating her with your belt and not feeding her this weekend. Then threaten the school that if they call social services you’ll beat her and her mother even harder.

i get it sometimes, unless they keep calling back. doesnt bother me, everybody makes mistakes and dials the wrong #.

your mom didn’t make the mistake of calling me last night.

thats a zinger if I ever heard one!



That would be funny but I doubt I could pull that off without laughing

We answer the phone with our company name and people STILL ask, “Is this Kissing Bridge, I am calling to get snow conditions of the snowboard park”?
(Our number must be similar to KB.)
We usually respond with…
“Step away from the bong, I don’t know the conditons of the park, you called the wrong number.”
“you might have noticed we didn’tanswer the phone “Kissing Bridge” if you weren’t so baked.”

Id have to do some kind of crazy voice to say that


yea, could be. but when this happened, you could just tell the person was actually just ignorant and was completely serious.
at my old house we got a lot of calls for zolads limousine cuz our number was only one off from them, that was always interesting. lol