I have seen it all

I mean this video looks fake as fuck, but I feel its real. I always hated on Land Rovers but ill give em 5 now for pulling this off. I would be scared to be in the damn thing



lol. thats fake.

its fake

those shitty ass tires would not have traction

read the comments on the video!

"Then at 1:01 why did he lock up?
and at 1:25 the person is standing upright. "

I believe.

The ONLY way I can see this being fake is if there is a winch pulling them, which was edited out.

I also think it’s real, and I would shit myself if I was inside. That’s some scurry ass shit. But I think it’s not just the truck, it takes a lot of driver skill as well to pull that off. Any novice would’ve rolled the truck, or slid off.

pretty damn sick for a stock range lol +++1

I’d rather stick to drifting. One false move and 40g+ is down the drain. Imagine that…damnnnn

I also think it’s fake since all the sound is co-ordinated with the actions of the video, like locking up the tires while the car slides inch by inch.

However, those tires do not look like they would hold that car going up on such an angle…

its real!!


It looks like they just cant hold a camera straight :slight_smile:

i think its real, im sure the 4x4 guys on here can chime in on what they think. That lock up at 1:01 just looks like him applying pressure to the brakes to inch down slowly

Oskar3216 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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ur live is one big fake

That guys comment made me laugh hahaa

I think its real for sure.

Its just the camera was not 90 degrees to level ground, meaning they made the angle look worse then it was tilting the camera with the hill. I think if it was that angle the truck would have flipped back for sure.

Well I can say this much I think it is totally possible.
Being sorta new to the 4x4 sveen 2 years ago I have witness almost such climbs and such and it is almost unreal what some vehicle and drivers can pull off.


theres no way the camera was level

it would defy physics

Real for

tilted camera

but I’m astounded nonetheless

beliveable the H1 does the same sorta thing

i wouldnt of done that with my family in the car