I have to much time

So today, i had way to much time on my hands… and deicded that i need to pimpout my mypsace. This took be about 14 hours straight none stop… yea i know… pretty gay… but




fix your background so we can actualy see the car … all i can see is the front bumper

and then photoshop trhe picture to properly reflect the state of the car

  1. hood open
  2. flames shooting out of the engine bay
  3. engine on the stand, flipped over, with the cam gears implanted in the concrete

Maybe you should spend less time on your myspace decorations and more time researching good mechanics.

<3 cuban.

Wow I wish I had that much time to waste







his title has the wrong usage of “to”


didn’t even notice that.

he didnt have enough free time for the second “o”


wow, KINDA looks cool, but confuseing as hell to navigate with no text in there to tell you what is what. function and form must coincide. if it looks cool but doesnt fulfill its intent of usage it is useless. so add some text or something so it makes sense but retains the coolness factor and futuristic-ness

/architect thought process rant

Now you wait just one hot minute there, mister.


ummm? i dont know whats so confusing about it?? and they are labled?