I have to much time

14 hours straight…damn dos…

lol looks pimp tho

disregaurd last post lol, the computer at school was loading all gay and i ended up having to reboot cause i couldnt even log into my email. now its better lol

Nifty usage of CSS to completely reorganize the page.

The picture of Picard really makes this thread though. :tup:

yes it does.

Here’s something for you to pass the time :


^^hahaha asshole…

must have been really bored. damn and i didnt even to look at it

i thought the same thing - spend more time worrying how to spell

Haha, Jesus…

Holy Christ that’s a lot of “myspace pics” you took!!!

Joestypes receives clutchest post of the thread so far…

for 14 hours of work, that page is pretty bland.

jk Very nice. I’m actually jealous.

i like the squinting eyes pissed off at the world rebel look. lol

how come you guys are not adding me… WTF

me? i dont have a myspace, i just go on to look people i knows’ pics every now and then

bolts, this is gay…

page looks kinda kew though, however i am glad i do not have a myspace page so i would never waste 14 hours of time making a page :stuck_out_tongue: