i heard...

what radials did you get?

ET streets,

dont have them yet, get them tomorrow.

were those the ones that jeff got and killed on the highway?


his were MT drag radials


  • 1 if it was me, i would be like FUCK SHIFT never going there again !
  • 111111111111111111111111111111111!!!1

um if you pretend he doesn’t exist he won’t post. he needs attention. you guys are idiots.

Well I have been trying to befriend you for months now and nothing. So I had to move on to the next best thing…:shifty

anyone ever use these…MH brand???

why? are you getting them for your awesome truck? :number1

possibly…frank said they were ok just wanted an opinion…the ones i have are now shot…


lookin to get them for the sonoma

#1, thank you… i appreciate it.

#2… as ive stated SEVERAL times in this thread… ALOT of the shit that went around about me wasnt fucking true. especially with regards to how things went down with the sti, etc. things were said about how i handled that, that were bold faced lies and they were taken as fact when they were far from. either way, this whole scenario is nearly a year old and people need to stop living in the past. take it for what it is and move on…

#3, deadbeat, thanks for the welcome back… wouldnt be the same without you here buddy. ill be sure to mail you over a few protein shakes as a peace offering… dont worry about the salty taste… it takes a while to fill a 1qt container only an ounce or 2 at a time :wink:


yea … why? you want some too?:wow

no offence but he’s car will rip ya from a dig

Cammed/stalled/drag radial LS1 > Bolt on Cobra

hell, look at pauls stalled bolt on only LS1…1.6x 60’ all day long.

well yea stalled auto> 6 sp for a dig

otherwise it would be 6sp> auto


who gives a shit

my slow ass stalled auto does 1.7-1.6 also for what its worth