I hope they serve beer in hell

Just started reading this book (I hope they serve beer in hell" - and holy shit is it funny. Basically just a random dude that documents stories of him going out to bars and what not. Has some real comical stories and situations…

He has a website, which i think was actually a precursor to the book, a handful of the stories from the book are on there from quick glance.


i’d recommend it to anyone that wants a quick read & laugh

Dude, I’ve been reading his stories on that site for a while now. He’s got some good stuff on there, haha.

he really reminds me of a friend of mine, except for he gets way more ass than my friend… fucking funny shit


kinda wanna buy this book.

where did you get it?

i would assume any bookstore?

edit: well jim has convinced me… ill be buying this today

tucker max is the man. his stories are hilarious.

read “tucker tries anal”

yeah thats a classic haha


pretty sure you were talking about the website, not the book. open your eyes further (if you can)

edit: i suppose at best you get a half repost - but no one reads your threads anyways so it still is reaching new viewers

I bought my boyfriend this and he has not read it yet!!! I will read it now.



I can’t wait for Assholes Finish First.

I’m a huge tucker fan and I bought the first book to read on the beach in Cancun on spring break 05…totally broke the ice with like 3 seperate random girls walking by.


YES!!! :lolham: I like cannot wait!!!

I saw this book at Urban Outfitters, although it didn’t seem like something I would want to read

don’t be mad you don’t know how to do a search for ‘tucker max’ :wink:

sorry too busy reading about you and your boyfriend: http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43312

I also agree that his stories are funny as fuck… but he’s a fraud/hack/douche. It’s all a figment of his imagination.

Originally Posted by wikipedia
On June 27, 2006, Tucker appeared on the Opie and Anthony show on XM Satellite Radio. After telling his “Tucker Tries Butt-Sex” story, the interview quickly went sour. Upon further questioning, Max was unable to validate his story with the inability to be able to produce the tape in question, claiming that the cameraman vomited on it, thus destoying the tape. Max was also unable to produce a police report involving another woman’s car and a parking mishap that resulted in a supposed collision with a donut shop. Opie and Anthony then led an unsuspecting Max into believing that his headphones had broken. While Max’s headphones were off, Anthony told the audience that Tucker Max was a full of it, and called bravo sierra. The interview ended with allegations of Tucker being called a “liar” and comparisons to author James Frey. When leaving the studio, Opie allegedly threw his book at a window and tore it up.[citation needed] Max left the building giving poor Erock (show gopher) the middle finger. Tucker has since removed all mentions of this appearance on his website.

Wish I could find the audio clip of his appearance… it was really uncomfortable to listen too :lol:

here is the audio :slight_smile:


Dr.Stevil, nice delivery!! I knew the fucking donut crash was wayyyy over the top to be true :slight_smile:

lol, well… they are a little far fetched. Everyone has a friend exactly like this guy… full of hot air.

for the leet people, can you get a direct link to the MP3? I’m trying to listen to in on my phone ,but it’s not working. Tried looking at the source, but it’s giving me jack and shit