I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis


will send pics to your email of her and i if you provide email address

There has to be something drastically wrong with this girl. Possibly missing limbs? No proof of legs here

You’re cute… but going by looks alone, I probably wouldn’t date you. You don’t look like my type. I usually go after the pierced tattooed guys.

(yeah I knw… what the hell was I thinking when I started talking to the other Travis) lol

she just sent me 2 pics she is about to post…

hoppin habibs

Yeah, Doofus and Foolish are professional murderers (not hitmen, they just kill people every day for fun… mostly Jews, some blacks and hispanics). Then they Eiffel tower Gloria, their mutual girlfriend. Goggles is the cop who is after them.

Duece Bigalow :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I am definitely Doofus

the pic of Travis with his hat on backwards is the first time I’ve ever seen him not look like an incredible douche.

more for viewing pleasure…


Could you at least, be nice to me on the forum maybe then? I’m lonely.

Travis she was a nice girl and all but don’t be upset about losing her, i can tell you she wasn’t exactly playing the role of commited g/f when you two were together

TONIGHT on Unsolved Mysteries…

UPDATE! Noone gives a SHIT!

:rofl :rofl

Got any back shots of that blondie Travis?


Dude, I look like a dirtbag 99 percent of the time, trust me.

^taken on a camera phone as the bar was closing.

^playing with my new phone to see what the pics turn out like :slight_smile:


Yeah you can be the voice for him. Expect a script in the mail soon.

Hot…um…you…mind if i ‘use’ those pictures beb?