I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

Awww… shut up! I said I thought you were cute!!! :hug

There’s also another girl in my cartoon. Her name is Arfing Grott… and she’s just the girl who is always trying to impress everyone else… but ends up sleeping with STD Smith… the local hobo.


yeah i know… was still far and away the hottest chick i ever dated and with the best body to boot.

LMAO… shut up! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just to clarify, he’s referring to masturbation in this post.

Nice I’ll bring the scripts to the office tomorrow before the executive meeting.

ofcourse, pending that I don’t go blind from continuing to browse this thread.


I was going to print them out and hang them in my room. Serious.

can’t blame them… :rofl:rofl

I hope you fall asleep while you’re drawing your cartoon and stab yourself through the eye with your pencil while you’re drawing Miss Arfing Gross. :slight_smile:

putting this here for upper lip comparison…just sayin

Beb, u know we go way back and all, but some of us like ‘BBWs’. Chill.

REALLY… do you REALLY think so?? lol Noooo… I thought he was talking about meditation! lol

I use a tablet and Adobe Illustrator.

LOL fuck you

Fine… then I hope you fall asleep at your computer, knock over your drink and electricute yourself. :slight_smile:

And there’s only one place for DD’s in my life

Dub Deuces

Why has no one photoshopped those two together yet + some PJB extras?

Ahh so that’s the new ride? Nice! I like the Nigg3d out theme.

I hate you. Yes… yes I do.