I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

no shit… So all I have to do is join the military to make an ass out of myself on a forum without feeling any ounce of shame while posting my nasty ass tits that no one wants to see??


Yup, that’s all you have to do… the funny part about this is, you’re talking all of this shit about me and you don’t have any pics posted of yourself. How ironic.

yeah more like a 3am tuesday morning with the lights out :rofl

HOLY SHIT! How did you get that picture of me before my surgery to fix them?! lol

How did you already get a topless pic of OP?? That’s not you, I’ve came on yours before… Yours were much perkier.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU u got meeee h/o ill get the one i sent u earlier

Lol I’m fat and ugly… I smoke, I’m obese and I rarely shave. I’m nothing to brag about… I know that. You on the otherhand claimed to have great tits… But you’re a liar.

wow r u my long lost brother?


You have NO idea what my tits look like out of a shirt… I said I have great TITS, not a great BODY. My boobs get LOADS of attention. So MY BAD if one FAT FUCK who sits on a computer for 90% of his life doesn’t like them. I’m only on here cuz I’m sick and I can’t sleep and I thought I’d rather sit on here than stare at the tv… but I realize now that I’d rather have spent the night hugging my toilet and vomiting.

I think so… We look similar.


Well cause you were sick, I spent my night hugging the toilet after seeing those pics you posted. Thanks.

:ninja i do…


  1. Have some respect man, seriously. You wouldn’t be doing this shit if a male soldier was injured and gained weight, why are you doing it now? I don’t feel like finding and copypasta-ing the official Shift518 warning, but keep the personal attacks and childish name calling to yourself.

  2. Why the FUCK are you sticking up for Travis to begin with?

  3. Travis started this garbage, as usual. Go humiliate him.


  1. Cut the shit, final warning, next ban is a month.

as i stated earlier… ive done nothing wrong. you seem to make it your lifes mission to find things about me to complain about. multiple threads are made attacking me. (which if i remember correctly is against forum rules as well and we ALL should have fair and equal treatment, but thats yet to be seen) if you think im going to sit idly by you’re sadly, sadly mistaken. i did not create this thread. i merely retorted to it. your views of things is severely skewed. try on a pair of “reality” glasses and see the world as the rest of us do.

on a side note… mr fizzle… it seems you tend to get your panties in a super tight bunch only when there is a post by me talking to any female on here. is that perhaps due to your inability to pull said females and you feel threatened by my skills? you got snippy when i talked to nicole… then starr… and now of course marissa… i see a pattern developing here. (does anyone else? srsly i want input here people.) benny ive gotten the hint you have a hard on for me but no im sorry sir i will not be a pushover. now since this is the end of my post i will reitterate what i said to begin with… ive done nothing wrong. you are just a sad sad lonely man benjamin Z. fizzle and i think u want a huge hug… now wouldnt that be effing great?! :lol

i approve of this message and in no way does it infringe upon forum rules.
(ps) Fizzle, lighten up.

Benny, ban this kid’s bitch ass :rofl

If you use the area code scaling:

Wait, what??? :lol

Ahhhh… says the man with supposedly impeccable moral stature…Travis I’ve said this before go KILL your fucking self now motherfucker. I don’t even find pleasure in reading about others disdain for you anymore. You have literally become useless to the world… You actually have no purpose left to live anymore…