I just came

hot, gotta be tough to keep it looking so good

Hot car.

except for the yellow. yellow is such a shitty color.

hope it didn’t get in your eye

no newman reference in the title? im shocked

sweet car



Agreed, although I don’t think pink would be a better substitute.

not so crazy about this one…

so hot

Gotta be in the middle-east from the look of the plate… damn…


Imagine how hot it will be when they put some paint over that primer.

the yellow in teh lens’s doesnt really do it for me

i dont like anything about the yellow accents…but i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, flat black can look good on any car…

and i’m also not too fond of the roof scoop, obviously functional…but really takes away from the natural smoothe lines of the car…

Yeah that is the one thing that i have to say looks terrible.

Probably from Dubai, everyone there is a billionaire

seriously! The admin here at my work has a buddy that went there with basic cisco certifications and makes like 200k. I guess they have asloads of money but the infrastructure is pretty weak so they pay anyone whatever they want to get everything up to date.

i <3 it
