I just dynoed my altima

naaaa.a hes cool i used to work with him at delta…hes just wierd

Yeah If we are going to hand out bans for stupidity
this board would be empty.


sidenote- No clutch fuzzy Its autotragic! (and he knows its slow dont worry)

No clutch, but a few clutch packs. And that bands which work on the same exact principle. :wink:

awww comeone I know this :frowning:


I say Ban.

Whoa I worked with him. For a day. Then I quit. I’m a two time quitter of teh delta hehear

My HP and Torque always cross at 12,000 rpm as well.

Throw him into the pond

Ban, burn, lynch and hang.



if you say so

How did this thread even get ONE star?

ban him for doing this to my car


lol did any of you NCCC people see the one CDL training truck? They smashed in to something baaaad with it.

I helped by adding one more just to spite you.