I know I wasnt the coolest in jr. high but...

i have heard about this b4, dumb kids


oh boy do i have a good story about this. no time now. but it involves beer, pot, an elavator shotgun, and me being choked out


Did you wake up with a condom in your ass and a dollar taped to your nipple?

no, i woke up on the floor right as i hit the floor. I had no idea what i was in for and when i realized that i was on the floor my buddy goes, “dude, do u know what just happened?” me, “yeah of course i know! Wait, wtf am i doing on the floor?” they all laugh. i attempt to get up. my arm gives out and i fall again. took a few minutes to shake that off. It was fucked up.

edit: im glad i dont smoke weed anymore, this is proof that it makes u stupid

I remember a few of my friends doing this shit back when I was in HS

“your turn”

“I don’t think so”

dumb asses

so that explains the brain damage and you being pretty much retarded

lol. i was in 9th grade and i did it once cause it scared the shit outta me. this was also when i first learned about drinking lol.

i have friends that still think its funny once in a while when they are drunk to make each other pass out. i never participate.

more retarded than fucking a jar of peanut butter?

he should have smoked pot.
he would still be stupid, but at least he would still be alive

dont mock it til you try it…

edit: I’m sure you never had a thought like that… every guy thinks about fucking something… so go fuck off… and that picture of peter pan… on the front… in his tights oooooooooo in the mood! … no more drunken rant :frowning: I love you!

dude just go back and edit that and we’ll all pretend we never heard that

i know a girl that likes to be choked to the very limit during sex …

id rather just knock her out and fuck her, but i guess her plan keeps her from fighting me off also, so its all good



yesss :tup:

who DOESNT choke bitches during sex? :gotme: :gotme: :eekdance:

choking them and putting them in a sleeper hold are 2 very different things.

And I agree that it sounds more like a suicide with an excuse then anything else.

too bad. Parents raised an idiot and now they can spend the rest of their lives thinking about it.

Just so you are not the only asshole. I have done it too, but not as they described it. Nobody choked me and there were no ropes or anything like that. It was not really a game as much as it was me not believing it was possible. I did it in 7th grade. You had to tuck you knees to your chest and breath heavy until you were feeling out of breath, then stand up as fast as you could, then some one would touch some pressure point on your neck and bam you were out for about 10sec or so. It was a pretty intense feeling at the time so I only did it once, but have thought about doing it again. :putsonflamesuit:

I remember playing a game like this…

You stood back agianst a wall… took very deep breaths and crossed your arms and as soon as you exhale someone would push as hard as they could against your chest…it suposadly stopped your heart or something…all I know if you would pass out…it was sweet.

I was maybe 12 when I did this