I know I wasnt the coolest in jr. high but...

I don’t think I have EVER heard of anything like this…


Not to take away from the terrible result of this “game” but are kids really that dumb these days?

When I was growing up and did “stupid” stuff it wasnt any where near tying a rope around my neck in my closet to get high…

Maybe I don’t understand because I have never in my life done drugs and have only tried one cigarette in my life that I dont understand that desire to do potentially fatal things to gain that high.

So I guess I am curious if any of you have heard about this “game” and who could even think it was “cool”

It’s nice to see that darwin’s still around. :slight_smile:

I need to break out my darwin fish

wow, play by yourself? thats just plain dumb. ive played it before but its fricken scary, i cant imagine trying to do it yourself.


Is there a point to it? Because for me to willingly let someone choke me to the point i black out would have to have a pretty good return for the effort. And something tells me its totally not worth it.

sigh every year or so some idiot hangs themselves and it becomes a national crisis…For about a month til we realize its just natural selection at work.

what ever happened to the good ol days of people jsut OD’ing

I cant imagine someone convincing people to do this…

Hey man I have this totally awesome idea I saw youtube…lets choke each other until we pass out and maybe die or have permanent brain damage…

OK man…that sounds totally rad.

CHOKE…Dead…O man this game sucks.

And on a plus side…if you dont have any friends…you can do it by yourself in the closet :tup:

There are people that do this during sex/masturbation

one of my profs in college showed us pics of people doing this…

they would usually have a fail safe so when they passed out the choke would release but of course darwin knows better and the failsafe would fail.

I was just wondering if the article left out a part about a bottle of lotion and his pants around his ankles…

Super Troopers, the one dude choking himself while he jerked off in front of the billboard sign.

If people can convince others to inject, inhale, eat, all kinds of random shit to get a high, i don’t see how this is a far fetched idea.

If morons want to kill themselves, let them.

F the news…

to me this sounds like something along the lines of “auto-tag”…

you remember that shit?

Warning to Parents. your kids are playing a dangerous game called Auto-Tag where they intentionally crash into each other for fun.

gawd, the people who report on these stories are sooooooooooo out of touch.

the kid hung himself, woopty doo. there have likely been 10,000 or more hangings by kids under 15 years old this year already.


asphyxiated masturbation is the best. highly recommended :tup:

Somebody call the Waaaahmmbulance

Word, its a form of Auto-Erotica. It’s estimated that 1/4th of all suicides by hanging (males 16-24) is associated with it. Problem is, parents find their kids hanged in their closet with their dick hanging out…its bad enough their kids are dead, let alone perverts. So usually the parents will clean up the scene before they call the cops.

This is one of the reasons why I always have someone watching me, when I do this kind of shit.

for the love of http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/Picard2.gif

When i was 8 or 9 the kid who lived across the street died of what i was told suicide…years later i find out that he really died becasue while jerking off he tried to cut the the circulation off to his head becasue it makes the orgasm greater…hours later he is found hanging with his pants off:bloated:

i hope your joking…if not you please tell me you were no older than 12