i look like frankenstein

Shot with LG-VX8350 at 2008-08-30

Shot with LG-VX8350 at 2008-08-30

ive been in the hospital getting a golf ball sized tumor removed from face. i was told i had cancer and was thinking the worst but it turns out that im gonna be fine but will need to grow a beard or something to cover this big scar. as of right now i have no feeling from my neck to the top of my head on the right side and only half the feeling in my face but can still move my lips and eyes which was a big issue. it should take me too much to scare kids at halloween this year.lol

Wow dude … Super glad to hear your ok!! Gang in there, keep us updated, and get better soon!


Obviously your not better, your still into camaro’s :booty:
How many days your employer give you off?

Get well dude :beer:

as many as i need. atleast ill be off till next monday . i cant drive anywere.

Yeah man, glad you’re going to be okay. Screw the beard, that scar will look cool. What would really be scary is if that hospital gown didn’t stay closed!

tell everyone you were in a bar brawl and the other dude is worse.

lol that did happen. i was walking the hospital hallway with my gown open and didnt know it…good thing i had boxers on.

Glad you’re OK, man.

Glad to see your ok. What ever doesnt kill you will make you stronger.

wow that is some for real stuff right there! Glad all is good man.

It’s always good to see something like that work out good.
You need some badass story to make up about the scar though, like a gang fight or terrorists.


Bitches love scars.



Glad to see you’re doing alright.

jesus, glad to see your doing ok.


good luck with the recovery

best of luck with the recovery… thank gawd its benign

i actually dont feel to bad today other than having no feeling on my right side of my face . ive been awake 3 hours in a row and got a shower and went outside a few moments. the swelling is the worst.