I love BMW's marketing.


Thats fucking awsome! :ahh

Holy shit thats funny.

that is AWESOME

Audi and BMW have been doing this for years. The TV commercials over the past couple years have been good. This is funny as hell though :lol


That billboard is good

That’s hilarious

and Shady, once again…do you REALLY need to quote the fucking OP???/

if you quote one more original post when you post in a thread for no reason other than taking up space, im going to set your Z on fire.

Pot, meet Kettle.

Shut up ass hole. Your kind is not welcome around here

Go get a stool so you can look me in the eye and say that.


I dont need one bitch tits

J is so full of win.

you knew what i meant d00d

thats great!! haha

You get that E36 yet kramersuckksss?


yessssss that is sickkkk