VW rant

Why are all of the VW commercials so damn gay?

I mean it isn’t bad enough their new line up of cars just scream I’m fucking queer, but the TV ads do the same thing. And then the run the same damn ad every 12 minutes for DAYS, if I seen it once and thought “How fucking gay” Chances are good that I’m going to think that the next 2 million times I see the piece of shit.


I feel much better now.


i think that they have, by far, the best advertising ten fold over any other car company. too bad they ‘pissed you off’ so bad… seems like their marketing is working… someone that thinks something is so fucking gay is taking their time to write a thread about it on an internet forum.

you = :owned: by “fucking queer” marketing.

that’s whats :rofl:


I too think that VW has cornered every market they possibly can. Even other car companies are taking VWs ideas and marketing them their own. I can name one commercial for every kind of buyer and how they work.

Their marketing department is making madd money, yo.

The only VW commercials I’ve ever hated were the new beetle ones. Especially when they were marketing that queer “vapor” color. Congratu-fucking-lations, you mixed some blue/grey paint in with white paint. High five!


Why don’t you own this :wackit:

I guess it might not have been so bad, but I saw the same damn commercial about 32 times in 2 hours last night. If anyone watched Rescue Me, they know the one I’m talking about. It’s so fuckin stupid, that it looked stupid.

And for a good auto commercial, the truck ones pulling shit are great. Thats a mans commercial, not and damn car that looks like a fat AMC Gremlin.

I just noticed I posted that exactly one year ago to the day…kinda wierd

is that an STD?

The new Hyundai William Shatner commercial is good. It played during the previews at the movies.



You got it dont ya queer?

:1320: you girls need a tampon or midol. I guess your remote was broke hey tom because YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL anytime you please so stfu noob

No I cant. remeber I’m a fat guy, that would burn atleast one calorie, and then what?

Oh and why don’t you noob me, bitch???:moon: :moon: :moon:

I can’t remember seeing a VW commercial in quite a while. I guess I don’t watch much TV anymore.

would you like a cookie???

Thanks but no, I’m cutting carbs right now.

But I’ll put it more simply since you have a reading comprehension issue.

It would be hard not to see one of these ads if they are on 12 times during one TV show. Since I haven’t seen one, I suppose I haven’t been watching much television, but I’ve been busy explaining things to people that don’t understand, so I guess it all makes sense now.

The marketing VW had years ago, da da da, speed racer, etc. etc. was brillant. Now VW canned those guys and went with the same idiots that do burger king commericals, maybe thats your issue, I feel you!


Now all we need is the big King that freaks out neonracer01, and life would be perfect.

It’s almost like they are marketing the 6-12 year olds.

If you think the VW commercials are bad, I guess you haven’t see the stupid fucking Honda Element commercials where they have it talking to an animal or something of the sort. Now that’s fucking stupid.