I love eating Pie

Oppps, I mean cheese cake. Ummmmmm um, Beth knows how to handle the house wife chores.

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/pie 001.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/pie 001.jpg)
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/pie 002.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/pie 002.jpg)

WOW, not what i expected.

But eh Id eat Beths cake to I guess… :yum:

wheres the steaks?

You know those pics will be up Friday. :bigthumb:

Beth wants to “put the rub” on our steaks :rofl:

does that include a tag team?

lol, Beth said DP as long as the balls don’t touch

“double sided tape”

she is going to push me off the bed tonight while i’m sleeping

perfect… :love: more room for the MAC DADDY


yea. cause it’s def gay when the balls touch

OMG lol

yep yep… thats what youll say… well minus the LOL part. :idb:


nice cake.

And, for zero-ball-contact, use duct tape for extra security. Just make sure you shave first.

2 strips of tape, so if one fails, you have a safety zone

:eek: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

Looks like a Micheal jackson cake,can’t decide weither it’s black or white

Oh my… showing your age… I know that song.

Ya,i am getting old:mad:

All this Homoerotic talk from dave has yet to surprise me…

Surprised he hasnt started talking about the buckeye yet.

You’re not as old as me…

Ohh boy, how I miss the gold ol’ days :slight_smile: