ohh hahaha I was sorta close

love that sign on the side, HAHHA

when I worked at Keeler that was THE lunch spot :slight_smile:


Anyone see the Christmas decorations on the roof of Sebastians?? :rofl :crackup


The guy who owned it is a scumbag. literally and figuratively

I wasn’t kidding about the porn studio… :ninja

Who wants to go into business?!

i’m down!

im down no fat girls plz :rofl

Let the ho’ search begin!

www.thenewyorkgirls.com and they’re local

personal golf cart driver lol. people are fuckin sad

I wonder what they will say if I inquire about a porn shoot with one of the girls haha

i dont want anything to do with this thread. :lmao

just ask the girl, who gives a shit what “they” say. just make sure you have a wad of cash on the ready, oh and my cell number handy.

we know swifty, we know :gay :rofl I’ll still clean your bodykit next time just bring $5 :haha

sounds good, when is everyone goin out again? Sutters tonight bitches!

shit… im unemployed lets do it LOL :crackup

You’re married now. You don’t get to do anything, Jim. :slight_smile:

Oh and Hey, stalker! hehe

i think they shoot pr0n in one of the houses in the cul de sac near my house. i always see all these girls driving into it. im 95% sure they shoot pr0n there, and 5% its a modeling agency of sorts or a photo studio(you know, the boring kind)

Vot, how come you haven’t gone in and inquired about such things?

I’m down for porn. There has to be a niche out there for fat dudes w/ good looking girls.