Ummm yea. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love women. :wow ;D

I have a feeling I’ll need “NWS” in the title soon.

For the record, I tend to think of it myself more of a Love-hate relationship.

I agree, but we are in the minority on this forum… :gay :gay

I’m single now and I was thinking about starting a porn studio. We should get it done. We’ll call it Fuck518.

IIRC There is a Suny Albany porn site, and the college was a part of College Invasion so that’s a start.

When you’re single you miss a gf, when with a gf you miss the times you were single.

I definitely miss being single… I cant remember why I wanted a GF sooo bad anymore. Love/hate is right. Sometimes more of one than the other. lol

wait wait wait wait… hold the fucking phone. there is a porn studio around and I am not involved? Thats some shit right there… Anyone have a number?

number?! who cares about a number… post up a link!!!

i don’t wanna watch… i need to get involved! :banana

could be a porn site with fat chicks or trannys or midgets or fat tranny midgets… watch first!

tranny midgets?!!?! local?!?! YESSSS

oh shit good point. i never thought of that. i only watch porn with hot girls… so i tend to want to believe that that is the ONLY kind. lol

I think there is, or atleast used to be, a porn studio behind Vlad’s Mobil like down a little ways. hard to miss, it was a pink building.

i think it was a bookstore, but don’t call me on that

Maybe it wasn’t the pink building, but i’m pretty sure there was a porn studio back there somewhere.

btw, anyone notice that the pink shack on 7/wade that had strippers on it, they all got repainted as cowboys :confused

it used to be shenanigans (i thinks that name)… .a strip club

The next person who says shenanigans is getting pistol whipped

it was sebastians…

bulldozer coming soon! lol

“Hey Farva, what’s that place you like to eat at with the mozzarella sticks and all the goofy shit on the walls?”