I need a car port for my driveway

I have this area in my driveway that if I park there berries and bird shit gets all over my car as well as pine needles. I’m looking for a low priced car port to install in my driveway. Can anyone recommend one to me? Nothing too fancy cuz I would like stay way under $500 after its all said and done.

car cover

not good for the paint.

I’ll see what I can do for you. I may be able to find something

thought about a car cover for the price since I dont have a whole lot of $ right now. Just wouldnt want that sitting right on my car all the time for the paint and putting it on and off would be a huge pain.


sams club has one fo cheap,all canvas.about 150 bux

I was quoted $800 to cut the tree down…

Happen to know the size? Sounds like it might not be a bad deal.


I meant cut it down yourself

I would NOT buy a canvas car port. With all of the snow and changing weather that we have, it will be weathered and have holes in it within months. I bet that thing would last you about 1 year before it is completely deteriorated. If you are going to get anything, get something that is metal/vynil (sp).

I’ll do it for you for 300 bucks :smiley:

my supplier doesnt have anything your looking for, sorry I tried…

You have alot of experience and the equipment you need to do it? Its a pretty big tree and its real close to my neighbors house so you gotta know what you are doing. If you are serious I’ll talk to my wife about getting the funds to do it.

Thats cool, thanks anyway tho.

Dont have a lift to do it. Plus its in a bad spot and could hit my neighbors house if not careful.

I have cut down many and many trees but i was kidding, sorry ha

Yeah I wouldn’t get canvas. There was one at my house when I moved in looked like shit and took it down. I’m eventually going to build a nice wooden one once I get time and money to do it. Already got it cleared with the boro due to it being close to the property line. Got a few buddies who are carpenters and do housing construction and they said they would come do it for grilled steaks and beer. :beer:

maybe if i start off with the canvas since I need it soon. then when it wears out i can retrofit maybe plastic onto it instead when $ allows.

There is a house a couple streets away from me that has that same Sam’s canopy and I haven’t noticed any difference in the way it looks over the last 4 years. I don’t know how long they had it before we moved in but they seem to be pretty durable.

This is kinda what I’m thinking. I don’t have the cash for anything better and I don’t want to make anything permanent because I might be moving.

Keep me updated on your search and thanks Blackbelt for the link