i NEED a ramp.. tonite.. by 9pm..

I need a ramp to get my new bike off the back of a F150 at ~9pm tonite…

Anyone have one I can borrow for an hour? or know where I can get one?

Why not use a wood plank or brute strength…I know I could load up my sled with a friend no problem in and out of a pickup.

If I had wood I’d use that… and its not a good idea to do it by hand, or so I’ve been told…



Rev it up and ride it off

i have wood here you can use… 2 10 ft boards…
you can always go to a post office with a loading dock after hours and back RIGHT into it then ride it home :wink:

the only reason doing it by hand is dangerous is fairing break easy and wheels bend too…

the bike is over 400lbs with no place to get a steady grip. Dont even attemt to do it by hand unless you want to wreck it.

psssst me and newman lifted my whole motorset and tranny that was on a pallet off the end of that truck, a bike shouldent be bad

3 people can easily do it… as long as they arent little girls

not without messing it up… it can be done dont get me wrong… USE A RAMP>… be smart… the belly pan is likely to catch and crack…

if someone lifts the back and keeps in level with the bed, the guy in the truck keeps it balanced and backs it out and both of themk just lower it down…

all this coming from people that own bikes and have actually done it… good advice :bloated:

i dont own a bike but i did it b4 w/2 other guys and no problems :bloated:

ive done it, two people can do it, three would be better.

same here, three of us have lifted a 400lb bike. or wood like someone else mentioned

3 people is ideal. i just use a 2x8 board. you have to watch, the fairing will probably catch. my exhaust catches on mine. i’d actually recommend something wider than the 2x8 though, it can be a little sketchy at times.

newman just pulled in. better get over here… nice looking bike btw. better looking car.

and don’t look at me. i’m not pickin up a bike.

you should have seen the contraption…

2 boards + rachet tie downs + aluminum extension ladder + toolbox = ramp…

pics… glad i could help …

newman’s camera was in his truck the whole time, but we never took pics… it was pretty funny. we had to show him where the brake was, and i had to sit on it so they could push me in the garage. :lol:

ps - thanks for the beers and onion rings!

lol you can just carry it down

why are people so scared?

a bike may be heavy, but its got a low center of gravity and is actually really easy to manuever just holding the clip ons and walking it. that’s how i do it, thats how the pros do it.

and tom, a bike that weighs over 400 lbs? what the hell did you get, a zx12r or something? lol

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