I need help finding a particular USB cord.


I havent searched for your exact item, but decent chance they have it.

USB isn’t an analog audio signal, all this extra shielding shit is bullshit.

There are different types of ferrite cores, you’ll have to get one designed for USB type signals, I dont see why you really need ferrite cores or special shielding. What are the cables for? What type of environment?

He got a new printer.

Depends, it can be a problem with high speed data in a harsh environment. But you would think the USB device would be built better and have ferrite beads inside it.

For cheap cables the problem is the crimp/connection between the shielding and connector.



It’s something your going to have to get online, hell I only had a couple cables like that here in house

As far as ferrite cores go, buy them separately if you need them, according to what steve said up top you need one designed for USB cords, but I have absolutely no idea as to why you would need one unless you have some super duper rats nest of un shielded wires laying around and that are going to be wrapped around the USB cord.

This. Much like with HDMI cables, USB cables (and any digital connection) is all-or-nothing, ones and zeros. Gold plated connectors aren’t going to make the ones and zeros go through faster, and you’d have to have some serious sources of interference to need super extra shielding.

Its not like running an unshielded USB cable next to a power strip or a speaker is going to make it print out a dick in the middle of your document. Either it gets the data or it doesn’t.


Pdf on USB EMI issues for low and high speed data

I don’t think that the “club environment” has particularly high EMI.

Probably not, but if you are switching AC lights on and off alot it might be an issue if the usb cord is near the light controller.

What I want to know is what junk ass equipment requires a USB A connector?? :rofl

Mac book Pro BRO

I doubt that so much but I’m pretty sure you do as well. :rofl

Bunk ass shit uses USB A to A.

Well yeah on the computer side is USB A, but mac uses USB A on the device side too?

I looked at the equipment I use and it uses male B inputs. Now it will be much easier to find what I need.

